The book “Mother India” was written by:a) Madam Bikaji Camab) Sarojin...
- The shift in terms of the writing of women’s history began with the women’s movement of the 1970s which provided the context and impetus for the emergence of women’s studies in India. Very soon, women’s history broadened and assumed the more complex shape of gender history. In the early years, the endeavour was to write a history of women to supplement the writings of mainstream history.
- Also, an attempt was made to research and compile an archive of women’s writing. An important area of research has been analysis of the way in which colonial structures, such as the legal structure, affected women’s lives.
- Women’s vulnerability due to the denial of ownership of productive resources has been focused on, in the analysis of how progressive laws shaped gender relations. In the colonial period, two works based upon the women’s question in India—The High Caste Hindu Woman (1887) by Pandita Ramabai, and Mother India (1927) by Katherine Mayo—attracted international attention.
The book “Mother India” was written by:a) Madam Bikaji Camab) Sarojin...
Title of the book and author
The book is titled “Mother India” and it was written by Katherine Mayo.
About the book
“Mother India” is a controversial book that was published in 1927. The book is an account of Mayo's travels in India, and it covers a range of topics including Indian history, culture, and politics. The book was widely read in the West and was seen as a scathing indictment of Indian society.
The book was highly controversial, and it was banned in India. The book was seen as an attack on Indian culture and society, and it was accused of perpetuating Western stereotypes about India. Many Indian nationalists saw the book as an attempt to justify British rule in India.
Despite the controversy surrounding the book, it had a significant impact on Western perceptions of India. The book reinforced stereotypes about India being a backward and primitive society, and it contributed to a negative image of India in the West.
In conclusion, “Mother India” was a controversial book that had a significant impact on Western perceptions of India. While the book was widely read in the West, it was banned in India and was seen as an attack on Indian culture and society.