Suresh was born on 4th October 1999. Shashikanth was born 6 days befo...
Suresh data of birth = 4
th Oct 1999
Shashikant data of Birth = 28 Sep 1999
Given, 15 Aug 1999 is Sunday.
Therefore, Sunday dated between
15 August and 28 October on
(i) 22 August
(ii) 29 August
(iii) 5 September
(iv) 12 September
(v) 19 September
(vi) 26 September
So, that 28 September is Tuesday.
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Suresh was born on 4th October 1999. Shashikanth was born 6 days befo...
Given information:
- Suresh was born on 4th October 1999.
- Shashikanth was born 6 days before Suresh.
- Independence Day of that year fell on Sunday.
To find: Which day was Shashikanth born?
Step 1: Find the day on 4th October 1999.
- We can use any method to find the day, but here we will use the concept of odd days.
- Odd days are the days left after dividing the total number of days by 7. For example, 15 days have 1 odd day because 15 ÷ 7 leaves a remainder of 1.
- 4th October 1999 = 3 odd days (counting from the previous leap year 1996, which was a leap year because it is divisible by 4)
- We can also verify this using any online tool or calendar.
Step 2: Find the day on Independence Day.
- Independence Day is always on 15th August.
- 15th August 1999 = 0 odd days (counting from the previous year 1998, which was not a leap year)
Step 3: Find the difference in days between Suresh and Shashikanth's birth.
- Shashikanth was born 6 days before Suresh.
- So, Suresh's birthdate - 6 days = Shashikanth's birthdate
Step 4: Find the day on Shashikanth's birthdate.
- We can add or subtract the odd days to find the day on any given date.
- We will subtract 6 odd days from the day on Suresh's birthdate.
- 3 odd days - 6 odd days = (3 - 6) ≡ (-3) ≡ 4 (mod 7)
- This means that Shashikanth was born on a day that is 4 days before the day on Suresh's birthdate.
- Counting backwards, we get the answer: Shashikanth was born on Tuesday.
Therefore, the correct answer is option 'A' (Tuesday).