How and why did Hari Singh justify himself to rob Anil ?
Hari Singh justified himself to rob Anil on the basis of his financial situation and his need for money. He believed that he had no other option but to rob Anil in order to provide for his family.
Reasons for Hari Singh's justification:
1. Financial difficulties: Hari Singh was facing financial difficulties and was struggling to make ends meet. He had a large family to support and was finding it difficult to provide for them. He believed that robbing Anil was the only way to get the money he needed to provide for his family.
2. Lack of job opportunities: Hari Singh was unable to find a job despite his best efforts. He had been looking for work for months but had not been successful. He believed that he had no other option but to resort to criminal activities to provide for his family.
3. Family responsibilities: Hari Singh was the sole breadwinner for his family and felt a great sense of responsibility towards them. He believed that he had to do whatever it takes to provide for them, even if it meant breaking the law.
4. Desperation: Hari Singh was desperate and felt like he had no other choice. He believed that he had exhausted all other options and that robbing Anil was his only option.
Justification for his actions:
1. Moral justification: Hari Singh believed that his actions were morally justified because he was doing it for the sake of his family. He believed that his family's needs were more important than the law.
2. Social justification: Hari Singh believed that society had failed him and that he was justified in taking matters into his own hands. He believed that society had not provided him with the opportunities he needed to provide for his family.
3. Financial justification: Hari Singh believed that he was justified in robbing Anil because he needed the money to provide for his family. He believed that the end justified the means.
In conclusion, Hari Singh justified himself to rob Anil on the basis of his financial situation, lack of job opportunities, family responsibilities, and desperation. He believed that his actions were morally and socially justified and that he had no other choice but to resort to criminal activities to provide for his family.
How and why did Hari Singh justify himself to rob Anil ?
Hari Singh justified his action of robbing Anil by saying that he had robbed a person who was not attentive. Also, he told himself that stealing was his habit and regular practice of stealing has made him rob Anil. He explained to himself that as Anil had not paid him, therefore he had robbed Anil.
Hari Singh justified himself so as to satisfy his inner voice. Somewhere inside, his inner conscious was disturbing him for having robbed Anil. Hari was feeling guilty and so he tried to give himself an excuse.