The first ruler of Magadha Mahajanapadas in the sixth century BC wasa)...
The first ruler of Magadha Mahajanapadas in the sixth century BC was Bimbisara.
Bimbisara was the son of King Bhattiya and was known for his wisdom and courage. He ascended the throne of Magadha in 543 BC and ruled for approximately 52 years.
Under the rule of Bimbisara, Magadha emerged as a powerful kingdom. He expanded his empire through diplomacy and military conquests. He conquered Anga, Kashi, and Vaishali and made Magadha the most powerful kingdom in northern India.
Bimbisara was also a patron of Buddhism and was a disciple of Buddha. He met Buddha before he became the emperor and was impressed by his teachings. He invited Buddha to his court and became his disciple. He also built the famous monastery, Veluvana, for Buddha.
Bimbisara was succeeded by his son, Ajatashatru, who killed his father and ascended the throne. However, Bimbisara's legacy continued and he is remembered as one of the greatest rulers of Magadha.
The first ruler of Magadha Mahajanapadas in the sixth century BC wasa)...
- The Magadha Empire encompasses the rule of three dynasties over time – the Haryanka Dynasty, the Shishunaga Dynasty, and the Nanda Dynasty.
- The timeline of the Magadha Empire is estimated to be from 684 BCE to 320 BCE.
Bimbisara (558-491 BC)
- Belonged to the Haryanaka dynasty was the first ruler of Magadha (543-492 BC) Mahajanpadas in the sixth century BC.
- He founded the state of Magadha by bringing together a number of tribes and territories.
- He expanded their empire by establishing matrimonial relations.
- He married Mahakoshla, sister of Koshal Naresh Prasenjit, Chellana, daughter of Chetak of Vaishali, and Princess Kshema of Madra Desh (modern Punjab).
- Aajatshatru was the son of Bimbisara.
Additional Information
- The total 16 Mahajanapadas are - Kashi, Kosala, Anga, Magadha, Vajji, Malla, Chedi, Vatsa, Kuru, Panchala, Machcha, Surasena, Assaka, Avanti, Gandhara and Kamboja.