Explanation:When you purchase the EduRev Infinity Package for NEET, you will have access to a wide range of study materials, including notes, practice questions, mock tests, and video lectures. The package is designed to provide comprehensive coverage of the NEET syllabus and help you prepare effectively for the exam.
Explanation:With the EduRev Infinity Package for NEET, you may not necessarily need to buy additional books. The package is designed to provide all the study materials you need to prepare for the exam. However, some students may prefer to supplement their studies with additional reference books or resources.
Explanation:Ultimately, the decision to buy additional books along with the EduRev Infinity Package for NEET depends on your individual needs and preferences. The package itself is designed to be comprehensive and sufficient for most students, but if you feel the need for more resources, you can consider investing in additional books.
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