The earliest form of writing in Mesopotamia was known as:a)Hieroglyphi...
The earliest form of writing in Mesopotamia was known as Cuneiform
Cuneiform writing was the earliest form of writing in Mesopotamia, dating back to around 3500 BC. It was developed by the Sumerians and later adopted by other civilizations in the region. Here are some key points about Cuneiform:
- Cuneiform writing was developed by the ancient Sumerians in Mesopotamia.
- The word "cuneiform" comes from the Latin word "cuneus" meaning wedge, as the writing was done by pressing a wedge-shaped stylus into clay tablets.
- Cuneiform was primarily written on clay tablets using a wedge-shaped stylus.
- The writing consisted of a series of wedge-shaped marks that represented different sounds and concepts.
- Cuneiform was used for a variety of purposes including record-keeping, administrative documents, religious texts, and literature.
- It was also used by other civilizations in the region such as the Babylonians and Assyrians.
- Over time, cuneiform writing evolved and became more sophisticated with the development of new signs and symbols.
- Different versions of cuneiform were used by various civilizations in Mesopotamia.
- Cuneiform writing was an important development in the history of writing and communication.
- It laid the foundation for other writing systems that followed, such as the Phoenician alphabet.
In conclusion, Cuneiform was the earliest form of writing in Mesopotamia, developed by the Sumerians and later adopted by other civilizations in the region. It was a significant advancement in the history of writing and communication.
The earliest form of writing in Mesopotamia was known as:a)Hieroglyphi...
Correct answer is B. Cuneiform