Why 82°30 ' E has been selected as the Standard meridian of India shor...
Selection of 82°30' E as the Standard Meridian of India
India has a vast east-west expanse, covering almost 30 degrees of longitude. To establish a standard meridian for the country, the following factors were considered:
Geographical Center
- 82°30' E longitude passes through the middle of the country, making it a suitable choice for a standard meridian.
- It divides India into almost two equal halves, providing a balanced reference point for timekeeping and mapping.
Historical Significance
- The 82°30' E longitude was chosen as the standard meridian during the British colonial period.
- It was originally selected to align with the central point of the Madras Observatory in Chennai, which was a prominent location for astronomical observations at that time.
Administrative Convenience
- Having a standard meridian at 82°30' E simplifies timekeeping and coordination across the country.
- It serves as a reference point for civil time in India, which is based on the Indian Standard Time (IST) derived from this meridian.
International Standards
- The 82°30' E longitude is close to the 82.5° E meridian, which is a multiple of 7.5 degrees from the Prime Meridian (0°) in Greenwich, London.
- This alignment with international standards facilitates global communication, navigation, and coordination.
In conclusion, the selection of 82°30' E as the Standard Meridian of India was a strategic decision based on geographical, historical, administrative, and international considerations. This meridian plays a crucial role in maintaining consistency and efficiency in timekeeping and geographical referencing across the country.