What is the day on July2 1985?a)Tuesdayb)Thursdayc) Fridayd)SaturdayCo...
To find the day on July 2, 1985, we can use the concept of the Gregorian calendar.
Step 1: Finding the year code
- The year 1985 falls in the 20th century, so we use the year code for the 1900s, which is 1.
Step 2: Finding the month code
- July is the 7th month of the year, so we use the month code for July, which is 5.
Step 3: Finding the day code
- To find the day code, we need to know the number of days that have passed since the last Sunday (which has a day code of 0).
- From January 1 to July 2, 1985, there are 31+28+31+30+31+2=153 days.
- 153 divided by 7 leaves a remainder of 2, which means July 2, 1985, is 2 days past the last Sunday.
- Therefore, the day code for July 2, 1985, is 2.
Step 4: Adding the codes and finding the remainder
- We add the year code (1), month code (5), and day code (2) to get 8.
- 8 divided by 7 leaves a remainder of 1.
- The remainder of 1 corresponds to Tuesday, so July 2, 1985, was a Tuesday.
Therefore, the correct answer is option A) Tuesday.
What is the day on July2 1985?a)Tuesdayb)Thursdayc) Fridayd)SaturdayCo...
Every 400 years has 0 odd days, so upto Year 1600 odd days are 0. For the next 300 years, its 1 odd day, we reached Year 1900 with 1 odd day.
Let's calculate odd days upto Dec 31, 1984.
Every 4 years has 5 odd days, and 84 years is clearly divisible by 4, which means 105 (84/4 * 5) odd days which means 0 odd days (since it is completely divisible by 7). 1 odd day is still carried forward from 300 years calculation (extra info: Dec 31, 1984 was Monday).
Upto July 2, 1985 we have 3 (Jan), 0 (Feb), 3 (Mar), 2 (Apr), 3 (May), 2 (Jun) and 2 (Jul) total 15 which means 1 odd day, and 1 odd day carried forward (from the above 300 years calculation).
Hence remainder is 2 odd days which makes July 2, 1985 as Tuesday.