identify equivalents in indian languages for the word culture.what ass...
‘Culture’, like ‘society’, is a term used
frequently and sometimes vaguely.
This chapter is meant to help us define
it more precisely and to appreciate
its different aspects. In everyday
conversation, culture is confined to the
arts, or alludes to the way of life of
certain classes or even countries.
Sociologists and anthropologists study
the social contexts within which culture
exists. They take culture apart to try
and understand the relations between
its various aspects.
Just like you need a map to
navigate over unknown space or
territory, you need culture to conduct
or behave yourself in society. Culture
is the common understanding, which
is learnt and developed through social
interaction with others in society. A
common understanding within a group
demarcates it from others and gives it
an identity. But cultures are never
finished products. They are always
changing and evolving.