All questions of Evaluating Inferences for SSC MTS / SSC GD Exam

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Directions: In the following questions tests your ability to derive conclusions from complex situations. Read each question carefully and answer the questions that follow.
The owners of a local supermarket have decided to make use of three now-redundant check-out counters. They believe that they will attract those customers who have lately been put off by the long check-out lines during the mid-morning and evening rush hours. The owners have concluded that in order to be successful, the increased revenue from existing and added counters will have to be more than the increase in maintenance costs for the added counters.
The underlying goal of the owners can be summarised thus:
  • a)
    To improve services to all customers
  • b)
    To attract people who have never been to the store
  • c)
    To make use of the redundant counters
  • d)
    To keep maintenance costs on the added counters as low as possible.
  • e)
    To increase monthly profits
Correct answer is option 'E'. Can you explain this answer?

Aryan Khanna answered
Services will be improved, it is hoped, for a certain segment of customers — those that shop during the rush hours — but not for all customers.
This fact makes choice (A) inappropriate. To attract new customers is not stated in the passage as an objective, so (B) is inappropriate. The utilisation of excess capacity, as in (C), is a useful by-product of the new system, but it is not the main goal. If maintenance costs are kept low it will probably make the achievement of the main goal that much easier, but this is not the major objective; so choice (D) is not appropriate. The principal purpose of the owners is to make more money from the change by increasing income by an amount worth more than the added costs.
Therefore, (E) is the appropriate answer.

Directions: In the following questions tests your ability to derive conclusions from complex situations. Read each question carefully and answer the questions that follow.
Pioneers of the motor-car industry realised that if they were going to meet the growing demand for their product, they had to adapt the labour force used in the productive process. Instead of many men working to complete all the stages of one car at a time, they assigned defined tasks to each man which they would repeat on every car.
Which of the following can be concluded from the passage?
  • a)
    Early motor-car manufacturers intended to increase productivity by applying the principle of division of labour.
  • b)
    The car workers became disgruntled because they were assigned monotonous, repetitive tasks on the assembly line.
  • c)
    Economies of scale enabled early motor companies to expand.
  • d)
    A bad worker would perform the same task badly on each car leading to many more rejects.
  • e)
    The new production process enabled certain car workers to become specialists in the part of the process to which they were assigned.
Correct answer is option 'A'. Can you explain this answer?

Eshaan Kapoor answered
Choice (A) sums up the conclusion of the passage and is thus the appropriate answer. It combines the intention of the car manufacturers -to produce more cars - with the chosen method, dividing labour into component tasks. Choice (B) may have been a further outcome of implementing this policy, but the passage does not comment on this; therefore, (B) is not appropriate. Choice (C) mentions another direction in which the car manufacturers may have moved, i.e., opening larger plants, etc. and this process may have been assisted by what is discussed in the passage, but again this cannot be concluded from the passage. So, (C) is also inappropriate.
Choices (D) and (E) are both concomitant with the division of labour process - (D), a disadvantage, and (E), an advantage - but neither of them can be inferred from the passage and therefore are inappropriate.

Directions: In this question below is given a passage followed by several inferences. You have to examine each inference separately in the context of the passage and decide upon its degree of truth or falsity.
The country has taken a major initiative by introducing convertibility of the Rupee on the current account. It has also been declared that the ultimate goal is to make the Rupee fully convertible. These are signs of the country’s achieving economic maturity. India is now ready to welcome foreign capital. It is preparing to reduce import tariffs to levels which are currently the norm in other developing countries. All these measures show that India is today mature and strong enough to face international competition and to integrate itself successfully with the global economy. The country is ready to shed its ideological inhibitions and ready to evaluate the international economic environment in a pragmatic spirit.
Socialistic ideals prevented India from evaluating the international economic environment in a pragmatic spirit.
  • a)
    if you think the inference is ‘definitely true’;
  • b)
    if you think the inference is ‘probably true’ though not definitely true in the light of the facts given;
  • c)
    if you think the ‘data are inadequate’, i.e., from the facts given you cannot say whether the inference is likely to be true or false;
  • d)
    if you think the inference is ‘probably false’ though not definitely false in the light of the facts given; and
  • e)
    if you think the inference is ‘definitely false’, i.e. it contradicts the given facts.
Correct answer is option 'B'. Can you explain this answer?

Eshaan Kapoor answered
Probably true. The last sentence says: India is ready to shed its ideological inhibitions and evaluate the international economic environment in a pragmatic spirit. We know that before the age of convertibility India was governed by socialistic ideals. So, it is likely that the ideological inhibitions referred to in the passage mean the socialistic ideals. Hence, the given inference appears likely to be true.

Directions: In the following questions tests your ability to derive conclusions from complex situations. Read each question carefully and answer the questions that follow.
If the wind is strong, kites are flown.
If the sky is not clear, kites are not flown.
If the temperature is high, kites are flown.
Assume the statements above to be true. If kites are flown, which of the following statements must be true?
I. The wind is strong.
II. The sky is clear.
III. The temperature is not high.
  • a)
    I only
  • b)
    II only
  • c)
    III only
  • d)
    I and III only
  • e)
    II and III only
Correct answer is option 'B'. Can you explain this answer?

Eshaan Kapoor answered
This is a problem involving deductive arguments. Assume that the initial statements are true. Then test each choice. It is not necessarily true. For example, even though it is true that when it is raining, there are clouds in the sky, you cannot conclude from the fact that there are clouds in the sky that it is raining. III makes the same error. II, however, is inferable. It’s like reasoning as follows: When there are no clouds in the sky, it is not raining. It is raining, therefore, there are clouds in the sky.

Directions: In the following questions, a statement or two are followed by two conclusions. 
Patients with minor ailments usually do not go to eminent doctors.
I. Eminent doctors remain too busy with patients suffering from serious complications.
II. Their charges are rather high.
  • a)
    if conclusion I follows; 
  • b)
    if conclusion II follows; 
  • c)
    if both I and II follow; 
  • d)
    if either I or II follows; and 
  • e)
    if neither I nor II follows.
Correct answer is option 'D'. Can you explain this answer?

Zeenat Singh answered
Statement: Patients with minor ailments usually do not go to eminent doctors.

Conclusion I: Eminent doctors remain too busy with patients suffering from serious complications.

Conclusion II: Their charges are rather high.

To determine whether the conclusions follow from the given statement, let's analyze each conclusion individually.

Conclusion I: Eminent doctors remain too busy with patients suffering from serious complications.

This conclusion can be inferred from the statement. Since patients with minor ailments usually do not go to eminent doctors, it suggests that eminent doctors are more likely to be occupied with patients suffering from serious complications. Therefore, conclusion I follows from the statement.

Conclusion II: Their charges are rather high.

The statement does not provide any information regarding the charges of eminent doctors. It only states that patients with minor ailments usually do not go to them. Hence, conclusion II does not follow from the statement.

Therefore, only conclusion I follows from the given statement.

The correct answer is option D, which states that either conclusion I or II follows from the statement.

Those in the business community who decry government regulation claim that it increases the costs of doing business and reduces beneficial competition, ultimately harming both business and the community as a whole. They point to industries such as trucking, airlines, and telecommunications, in which deregulation has apparently brought greater economic efficiency. These commentators ignore the industries, such as financial services, in which government regulation is essential; indeed, without government intervention in the 1930s, some whole segments of that industry might have permanently collapsed.
The author’s point is made primarily by
  • a)
    offering a counter-example to rebut his opponents’ argument
  • b)
    calling into question the motives of his opponents
  • c)
    pointing out an inconsistency in his opponents’ use of terms
  • d)
    drawing a distinction between valid and invalid methods of argument
  • e)
    underscoring the subjectivity of his opponents’ basic assumptions
Correct answer is option 'A'. Can you explain this answer?

Nikhila desai answered
Counter-example to Rebut Opponents' Argument

The author's primary point is made by offering a counter-example to rebut his opponents' argument. By pointing out industries such as trucking, airlines, and telecommunications, where deregulation has seemingly brought greater economic efficiency, the author is highlighting that there are indeed cases where government regulation may impede progress. However, the author goes on to mention industries like financial services, where government intervention in the form of regulation is essential for stability and protection.

Importance of Government Regulation in Financial Services

The author underscores the crucial role of government regulation in the financial services industry, citing the example of government intervention in the 1930s that prevented some segments of the industry from collapsing permanently. This highlights the necessity of regulatory measures to ensure the integrity and stability of sectors that are vital to the economy.

Ignoring Essential Regulatory Measures

The author also criticizes those in the business community who decry government regulation, pointing out that they often overlook the industries where regulation is essential for the well-being of both businesses and the community as a whole. By drawing attention to this oversight, the author challenges the blanket dismissal of government intervention in all industries.

In conclusion, the author effectively makes his point by offering a nuanced perspective that acknowledges the benefits of deregulation in some sectors while emphasizing the critical need for government regulation in others. This approach highlights the complexity of the issue and calls for a more balanced consideration of the role of regulation in fostering economic growth and stability.

Directions: In this question below is given a passage followed by several inferences. You have to examine each inference separately in the context of the passage and decide upon its degree of truth or falsity.
India and other developing countries, while expressing their commitment to the upgradation of labour standards, have been resisting the move to link international trade, not only with labour standards, but also with environmental concerns and human rights. The move was set afoot on the successful conclusion of the Uruguay Round of trade negotiations with a proposal for the inclusion of a social clause in the World Trade Organisation (WTO), which succeeds GATT. Later, on stiff opposition to the move on the ground that the matter did not fall in the area of trade, a proposal was mooted for the inclusion of a social clause in ILO.
India claims that environmental issue and trade are uncorrelated.
  • a)
    if you think the inference is ‘definitely true’;
  • b)
    if you think the inference is ‘probably true’ though not definitely true in the light of the facts given;
  • c)
    if you think the ‘data are inadequate’, i.e., from the facts given you cannot say whether the inference is likely to be true or false;
  • d)
    if you think the inference is ‘probably false’ though not definitely false in the light of the facts given; and
  • e)
    if you think the inference is ‘definitely false’, i.e. it contradicts the given facts.
Correct answer is option 'B'. Can you explain this answer?

Aryan Khanna answered
Probably true. The last sentence says that there was stiff opposition to the efforts on the ground that the matter did not fall in the area of trade.
The first sentence says that India is opposing the efforts. So, it is likely that Indian ground of resistance is also the same (i.e., the issues such as labour standards, environmental concerns, human rights etc. are not related with trade).

Directions: In this question below is given a passage followed by several inferences. You have to examine each inference separately in the context of the passage and decide upon its degree of truth or falsity.
India has signed two separate agreements with the USA and the EC.
This brings to a satisfactory conclusion the Market Access Conciliations in textiles which had been in progress for some time. These discussions were held with a view to facilitating trade in textile products between India and the USA and EU countries. At present, more than two-thirds of India’s total textile exports go to these countries. These agreements which came into force from Dec. 31, 1994, prior to the establishment of the WTO, provide very significant additional market access in these two major markets (USA and EU) for Indian textile products. In particular, the agreements are expected to provide a fillip to handloom and powerloom production and exports which are of high priority because of their direct linkage with employment generation.
India will have to abide by certain quality standards to continue getting export orders from these countries.
  • a)
    if you think the inference is ‘definitely true’;
  • b)
    if you think the inference is ‘probably true’ though not definitely true in the light of the facts given;
  • c)
    if you think the ‘data are inadequate’, i.e., from the facts given you cannot say whether the inference is likely to be true or false;
  • d)
    if you think the inference is ‘probably false’ though not definitely false in the light of the facts given; and
  • e)
    if you think the inference is ‘definitely false’, i.e. it contradicts the given facts.
Correct answer is option 'B'. Can you explain this answer?

Arindam Verma answered
India has signed agreements with the USA and EC for facilitating trade in textile products, with a focus on market access.


India will have to abide by certain quality standards to continue getting export orders from these countries.
1. Evidence from the passage: The passage mentions that the agreements provide significant additional market access for Indian textile products in the USA and EU markets.
2. Evaluation: While the passage does not explicitly mention quality standards, it can be inferred that in order to enhance trade relations and increase market access, India may need to meet certain quality standards set by the USA and EU.
3. Conclusion: Therefore, it can be inferred that India will likely have to abide by certain quality standards to continue receiving export orders from these countries.

Verdict: The inference is 'probably true' though not definitely true in the light of the facts given.

Directions: In this question below is given a passage followed by several inferences. You have to examine each inference separately in the context of the passage and decide upon its degree of truth or falsity.
Asia has become the growth centre of the world economy in recent years.
Within the region, India and South Korea are the third and fourth largest economies after China and Japan. Though the Asian growth stories mainly revolve around India and China, South Korea has remained a key player for these countries as one of their major trading and investment partners. South Korea adopted outward-oriented economic policies with the beginning of its first five-year economic development plan in 1962, which resulted in high growth and the integration of the Korean economy with the rest of the world. Subsequently, high and consistent economic growth made South Korea one of the high-income economies in Asia. Korea is still growing at a faster rate compared to other developed economies. India on the other hand adopted an import substitution policy since its Independence until the early 1990s. Since then India has introduced wide-ranging economic policy reforms and is moving towards a market-driven economy. This has resulted in consistent high economic growth over the last one-and-a-half decades.
India and China together are considered to be the driving force of the Asian economy.
  • a)
    if you think the inference is ‘definitely true’;
  • b)
    if you think the inference is ‘probably true’ though not definitely true in the light of the facts given;
  • c)
    if you think the ‘data are inadequate’, i.e., from the facts given you cannot say whether the inference is likely to be true or false;
  • d)
    if you think the inference is ‘probably false’ though not definitely false in the light of the facts given; and
  • e)
    if you think the inference is ‘definitely false’, i.e. it contradicts the given facts.
Correct answer is option 'B'. Can you explain this answer?

Dia Mehta answered
The Asian growth stories mainly revolve around India and China.

Directions: In this question below is given a passage followed by several inferences. You have to examine each inference separately in the context of the passage and decide upon its degree of truth or falsity.
The first time I saw The Wizard of Oz, the story bewitched me. The second time I saw The Wizard of Oz, the special effects amazed me. The third time I saw The Wizard of Oz, the photography dazzled me. Have you ever seen a movie twice, three times? You notice subtleties and hear sounds you completely missed the first time around.
It’s the same on the phone. Because your business conversations are more consequential than movies, you should listen to them two, maybe three times, Often, we have no clear idea of what really happened in our phone conversation until we hear it again. You’ll find shadings more significant than the colour of Toto’s collar- and more scarecrows than you imagined who ‘haven’t got a brain!’ How do you listen to your important business conversa- tions again?
Simply legally and ethically tape-record them. I call the technique of recording and analysing your business conversations for subtleties Instant Replay.
The advice is being given to the sales team.
  • a)
    if you think the inference is ‘definitely true’;
  • b)
    if you think the inference is ‘probably true’ though not definitely true in the light of the facts given;
  • c)
    if you think the ‘data are inadequate’, i.e., from the facts given you cannot say whether the inference is likely to be true or false;
  • d)
    if you think the inference is ‘probably false’ though not definitely false in the light of the facts given; and
  • e)
    if you think the inference is ‘definitely false’, i.e. it contradicts the given facts.
Correct answer is option 'C'. Can you explain this answer?

Eshaan Kapoor answered
It could be given to any individual or any business team.

(A) I believe that 20% of your work generates 80% of your returns 
(B) Justice R Banumathi recently became the first woman judge from Tamil Nadu to be elevated to the Supreme Court. 
(C) Raman asks a lot of questions in the class. This leads to him understanding the class concepts better than others. 
(D) Taking the CLAT online may or may not lead to an increase in the number of aspirants taking the CLAT.
  • a)
  • b)
  • c)
  • d)
Correct answer is option 'C'. Can you explain this answer?

Aryan Khanna answered
J – Though this might seem like a fact, it is at best an opinion. Furthermore, the person making the statement has said ‘I believe’.
F – This is a verifiable fact.
I – Raman’s asking a lot of questions (Fact) leads to him understanding the class concepts better than others (Inference).
I – Taking the CLAT online (Fact) may or may not lead to an increase in the number of aspirants taking the CLAT (Inference).

Directions: In the following questions tests your ability to derive conclusions from complex situations. Read each question carefully and answer the questions that follow.
Average family income is right where it was 20 years ago, even though, in most families these days, husbands and wives are working.
The above statement implies all of the following EXCEPT:
  • a)
    Even though nominal family income may have increased, inflation has risen at an equal rate.
  • b)
    More husbands and wives are working today than 20 years ago.
  • c)
    It was more prevalent for one spouse to work 20 years ago than today.
  • d)
    Wives earn more than husbands today.
  • e)
    The price level was lower 20 years ago.
Correct answer is option 'D'. Can you explain this answer?

Rohit Jain answered
Alternative (D) cannot be implied from the statement. There is no information in the statement that implies that wives earn more than husbands. Alternative (A) may be implied because as wives contributed to the household nominal income, if prices increased at the same rate as the income, real income would stay the same. Alternatives (B) and (C) are implicit in the statement.
If the added income contribution of wives leaves average family income at the level it was 20 years ago, then the reason must be that the price level was lower 20 years ago. So, (E) is implied.

Directions: In the following questions, a statement or two are followed by two conclusions. 
Smoking is one of those human weaknesses which tends to test the will-power of the smoker to the edge.
I. It is very difficult for the smokers to give up smoking even if they want to do so.
II. Human beings have other weaknesses as well.
  • a)
    if conclusion I follows; 
  • b)
    if conclusion II follows; 
  • c)
    if both I and II follow; 
  • d)
    if either I or II follows; and 
  • e)
    if neither I nor II follows.
Correct answer is option 'C'. Can you explain this answer?

Smoking is one of those human weaknesses which tends to test the will-power of the smoker to the edge.

I. It is very difficult for the smokers to give up smoking even if they want to do so.
II. Human beings have other weaknesses as well.

The given statement highlights that smoking is a human weakness that challenges the smoker's willpower. Let's analyze the conclusions:

Conclusion I:
It is very difficult for the smokers to give up smoking even if they want to do so.
This conclusion can be drawn from the statement itself. The statement implies that smoking is a weakness that tests the smoker's willpower to the edge. Therefore, it suggests that giving up smoking is a challenging task for smokers, even if they have the desire to quit. Hence, conclusion I follows.

Conclusion II:
Human beings have other weaknesses as well.
This conclusion goes beyond the scope of the given statement. The statement only discusses smoking as a human weakness, but it does not provide any evidence or indication about the presence or absence of other weaknesses. Therefore, conclusion II cannot be logically inferred from the given statement. Hence, conclusion II does not follow.

Based on the analysis, we can conclude that:
- Conclusion I follows from the given statement.
- Conclusion II does not follow from the given statement.

Therefore, the correct answer is option 'C' - if both I and II follow.

(A) Narendra Modi’s vision of ‘Smart Cities’ will certainly lead to more inclusive growth and better allocation of resources 
(B) The Berlin Wall fell on November 9th, 1989 as the Cold War began to thaw across Europe. 
(C) If there is an Earthquake, it is bound to make some geographical changes in the area. 
(D) He is the most intelligent boy in the class.
  • a)
  • b)
  • c)
  • d)
Correct answer is option 'C'. Can you explain this answer?


Given Statements:
(A) Narendra Modi’s vision of ‘Smart Cities’ will certainly lead to more inclusive growth and better allocation of resources
(B) The Berlin Wall fell on November 9th, 1989 as the Cold War began to thaw across Europe.
(C) If there is an Earthquake, it is bound to make some geographical changes in the area.
(D) He is the most intelligent boy in the class.

- Statement (A) talks about the potential benefits of Narendra Modi's 'Smart Cities' vision.
- Statement (B) mentions a historical event, the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989.
- Statement (C) states a general fact about earthquakes causing geographical changes.
- Statement (D) makes a claim about a specific boy being the most intelligent in the class.

Logical Connection:
- Among the given statements, only statement (C) directly talks about a cause and effect relationship. Earthquakes are known to cause geographical changes due to the shifting of tectonic plates and other factors. This makes statement (C) the most logical choice.
- Statements (A), (B), and (D) do not establish a cause and effect relationship in the same clear and direct manner as statement (C) does.
Therefore, the correct answer is:

Option C) IFIJ

(A) Gold jewellery and coins exports jumped 22% in April–September. 
(B) You have to work harder to crack examinations like the CLAT. 
(C) Usain Bolt is such a fast runner that he may even defeat the fastest land animal on Earth someday. 
(D) Due to the collapse of the bridge, villagers are facing a big problem of travelling to the town.
  • a)
  • b)
  • c)
  • d)
Correct answer is option 'C'. Can you explain this answer?

Dia Mehta answered
F – The statement provides a statistic which can be independently verified.
J – This is an opinion which people may or may not agree with.
J – This is only an opinion on the running abilities of Usain Bolt. It cannot be verified independently.
I – ‘Collapse of the bridge’ is the fact on the basis of which inference is drawn on ‘villagers facing the problem of travelling to the town’.

(A) An apple a day, keep the doctor away. 
(B) Be the change you wish to see in the world. 
(C) Without music, life would be a mistake. 
(D) A room without books is like a body without soul
  • a)
  • b)
  • c)
  • d)
Correct answer is option 'A'. Can you explain this answer?

Aryan Khanna answered
I – ‘The doctor away’ is an inference which follows from ‘An apple a day’.
J – This is a quote which is an opinion of someone.
J – This is a quote which is an opinion of someone.
J – This is a quote which is an opinion of someone.

The creation of Karnataka was part of the _______ of the map ofIndia on linguistic:
  • a)
    Stretching, divisions
  • b)
    Redrawing, lines
  • c)
    reviewing, concerning
  • d)
    convergence, scale
Correct answer is option 'B'. Can you explain this answer?

Nandita Singh answered
 b)Redrawing, lines
Yes, that is correct. The creation of the state of Karnataka in India was part of the redrawing of the map of India on linguistic lines. The state of Karnataka was formed in 1956 as part of the States Reorganization Act, which redrew the boundaries of states in India based on linguistic demographics. The Act aimed to reorganize the states of India along linguistic lines in order to better reflect the linguistic and cultural diversity of the country. As a result of the Act, several states were formed or reorganized, including the state of Karnataka, which was created by combining the Kannada-speaking areas of the former states of Mysore and Bombay Presidency.

Directions: In the following questions, a statement or two are followed by two conclusions. 
The devil can cite scripture for his purpose.
I. Even an unscrupulous person has some principles.
II. The real wisdom is to be found in scriptures.
  • a)
    if conclusion I follows; 
  • b)
    if conclusion II follows; 
  • c)
    if both I and II follow; 
  • d)
    if either I or II follows; and 
  • e)
    if neither I nor II follows.
Correct answer is option 'E'. Can you explain this answer?

Kirti iyer answered
The devil can cite scripture for his purpose.

I. Even an unscrupulous person has some principles.
II. The real wisdom is to be found in scriptures.

The given statement, "The devil can cite scripture for his purpose," implies that even someone with evil intentions can use religious scriptures to support their own agenda. It does not necessarily mean that the person has any principles or virtues. Thus, conclusion I does not follow.

Similarly, the statement does not suggest that the real wisdom can only be found in scriptures. It merely highlights that even the devil can manipulate religious texts for his own purposes. Wisdom can be found in various sources and experiences, not limited to scriptures alone. Therefore, conclusion II also does not follow.

Hence, neither conclusion I nor conclusion II follows. Therefore, the correct answer is option E.

As I was his ______ companion, he naturally _______ all his comments to me.
  • a)
    Genuine, told
  • b)
    Fond, contested
  • c)
    Extreme, positioned
  • d)
    Sole, addressed
Correct answer is option 'D'. Can you explain this answer?

Bijoy Chavan answered

Sole Companion:
Being the "sole companion" means that the person in question is the only companion or the one and only person who accompanies the individual. In this context, the relationship between the two individuals is exclusive, and the speaker holds a unique position in the other person's life or social circle.

When someone "addresses" their comments to another person, it means that they direct or speak to that individual specifically. In this case, the speaker directs all their comments or remarks towards the "sole companion," indicating a strong connection or reliance on that person for communication and interaction.
Therefore, in the given sentence, the speaker's role as the sole companion leads the other person to naturally direct all their comments and thoughts towards them, highlighting the significance of their relationship and the level of trust or closeness between them.

Directions: In the following questions tests your ability to derive conclusions from complex situations. Read each question carefully and answer the questions that follow.
In the human body, platelets promote blood clotting by clumping together.
Aspirin has been found to prevent clotting by making platelets less sticky.
Research has now shown that heart attacks and strokes caused by blood clots could be avoided by taking one aspirin a day. Statistics show that the incidence of second heart attacks has been reduced by 21% and overall mortality rates by 15% as a result of taking aspirin.
Unfortunately, the drug has several unpleasant side-effects, including nausea, gastric bleeding, and, in severe cases, shock. In children, it has been linked to Reye’s syndrome, a rare, but occasionally fatal, childhood illness.
On balance, however, for men aged 40 and over, an aspirin a day may present an excellent prophylactic measure for a disease that affects 1.5 million American yearly and claims the lives of about 540,000.
Which of the following conclusions can most properly be drawn from the information above?
  • a)
    All people should take an aspirin a day to prevent heart attacks.
  • b)
    Painkillers prevent heart attacks.
  • c)
    Smokers can safely continue smoking, provided they take at least one aspirin a day.
  • d)
    The majority of people suffering second subsequent cardiac arrests could have been saved by taking an aspirin a day.
  • e)
    Aspirin can be used to reduce mortality rates in patients who have already suffered heart attacks.
Correct answer is option 'E'. Can you explain this answer?

Aryan Khanna answered
According to the passage, all people cannot take aspirin without undesirable side effects and, in some cases, the danger caused by aspirin itself outweighs its benefits. The passage, by saying “On balance, however, for men aged 40 and over, an aspirin a day may present ....”, also implies that not all, but only some people (men over 40) should take an aspirin a day. Clearly, alternative (A) cannot be concluded from the passage. Answer alternative (B) is also inappropriate. No painkiller other than aspirin is mentioned in the passage, and it cannot be inferred that all painkillers reduce the “stickiness” of platelets. (C) is incorrect. Smoking is not mentioned in the passage and, since studies of the effects of smoking and aspirin have not been reported, no conclusions can be drawn. (D) is wrong because the statistics given in the passage say that 15% of second heart attack victims were saved from death by taking aspirin, and 15% does not constitute a majority. (E) is the correct choice since it simply states that mortality rates can be reduced in patients who have already suffered a heart attack (as stated in the passage), without giving any specific statistics.

Directions: In the following questions tests your ability to derive conclusions from complex situations. Read each question carefully and answer the questions that follow.
Sally overslept. Therefore, she did not eat breakfast. She realized that she was late for school, so she ran as fast as she could and did not see a hole in the ground which was in her path. She tripped and broke her ankle. She was then taken to the hospital and while lying in bed was visited by her friend, who wanted to know why she had got up so late.
Which of the following conclusions can be made from the above passage?
  • a)
    Because Sally did not eat her breakfast, she broke her ankle.
  • b)
    Sally’s friend visited her in the hospital because she wanted to know why she was late for school.
  • c)
    Sally did not notice the hole because she overslept.
  • d)
    Sally broke her ankle because she went to bed late the previous night.
  • e)
    Sally’s broken ankle meant she did not go to school that day.
Correct answer is option 'C'. Can you explain this answer?

Dia Mehta answered
Here, we have a chain of events when the conclusion of one argument becomes the premise for another. Only (C) can be concluded from the facts given in the passage - that is, because Sally overslept, she ran towards school, and because she ran, she did not notice the hole. Choice (A) is inappropriate because the chain of events is not linked by the fact that Sally did not eat her breakfast. The passage does not include a consequence emanating from that fact. Choice (B) is not appropriate because there is no way to link Sally’s friend to the events in the passage.
Similarly, facts not included preclude (D) from being the appropriate answer. Finally, (E) cannot be inferred, as we do not know what Sally did later that day; she may have been released from the hospital and gone to school.

Directions: In the following questions, a statement or two are followed by two conclusions. 
Domestic demand has been increasing faster than the production of indigenous crude oil.
I. Crude oil must be imported.
II. Domestic demand should be reduced.
  • a)
    if conclusion I follows; 
  • b)
    if conclusion II follows; 
  • c)
    if both I and II follow; 
  • d)
    if either I or II follows; and 
  • e)
    if neither I nor II follows.
Correct answer is option 'E'. Can you explain this answer?

Aryan Khanna answered
Both conclusions are invalid. Maybe, although the demand is increasing at a faster rate, yet its actual value is less than the production. [For example, India’s population is increasing at a faster rate than China’s although its population is less than that of China.] In this case, there may be a surplus and hence no need to import. Similarly, instead of reducing demand we may try for a boost in production.

Directions: In the following questions tests your ability to derive conclusions from complex situations. Read each question carefully and answer the questions that follow.
Partly because of bad weather, but also partly because some major pepper growers have switched to high-priced cocoa, world production of pepper has been running well below worldwide sales for three years. Pepper is consequently in relatively short supply. The price of pepper has soared in response: it now equals that of cocoa.
Which of the following can be inferred from the passage?
  • a)
    If the political platform of the third party is a compromise position between that of the two major parties, the third party will draw its voters equally from the two major parties.
  • b)
    If, before the emergence of a third party, voters were divided equally between the two major parties, neither of the major parties is likely to capture much more than one-half of the votes.
  • c)
    A third-party candidate will not capture the votes of new voters who have never voted for candidates of either of the two major parties.
  • d)
    The political stance of a third party will be more radical than that of either of the two major parties.
  • e)
    The founders of a third party are likely to be a coalition consisting of former leaders of two major parties.
Correct answer is option 'D'. Can you explain this answer?

Rohit Jain answered
If more pepper was sold than produced, some sales must have come from surplus stocks, and those stocks must have dropped during the three year period in question. Therefore, D is the best answer.
Choice A is inappropriate because the information in the passage is consistent with pepper being a profitable crop if grown on a modest scale. The passage provides no figures on which to base estimates of the world consumption of pepper, such as those made in B. Choice C is inconsistent with the information in the passage that states that world production will not return to previous levels unless either the pepper acreage lost to cocoa is replaced or the reduced remaining acreage is made more productive. No clear inferences can be made about the grower’s profits in the last three, or any earlier years. So, E is inappropriate.

Directions: In the following questions tests your ability to derive conclusions from complex situations. Read each question carefully and answer the questions that follow.
A pill that can induce abortions in pregnant women has become available in France. The drug, RU486, has proved more than 95% effective in tests conducted by a scientific team in Paris. The drug is an anti hormone which disrupts pregnancy by blocking the implantation of a fertilised egg in the wall of the uterus. In France, the pill will be available to women who are 49 days late in their menstrual cycle. The company that manufactures the pill, Roussel Uclaf, states, however, that the pill is not a “morning after” pill for use as a contraceptive.
Which of the following statements can be correctly deduced from the text above?
  • a)
    The drug RU486 is a new type of contraceptive.
  • b)
    The drug RU486 blocks egg production.
  • c)
    The drug RU486 can be used to terminate pregnancy.
  • d)
    The drug RU486 will replace conventional abortion techniques.
  • e)
    The drug RU486 will only be available in France.
Correct answer is option 'C'. Can you explain this answer?

Dia Mehta answered
Statement (A) cannot be deduced from the text. It is an untrue statement: a contraceptive is something that can prevent conception and the drug discussed here does not prevent conception. Therefore, (A) is an incorrect choice. Statement (B) is also an untrue statement. The drug is reported to block egg implantation, not egg production. There is nothing in the paragraph concerning the drug’s effectiveness, side-effects, benefits, or dangers as compared to other abortion techniques, so there is no basis on which the reader can deduce or infer that the new drug will replace conventional abortion techniques. So, (D) is not appropriate.
Although the drug has been manufactured and tested in France, there is no indication that its use will be limited to that country alone, so statement (E) is not valid. The statement in (C) is the only limited statement that can be deduced from the text - that the drug RU486 can be used to induce abortion, thus terminating pregnancy.

Directions: In the following questions tests your ability to derive conclusions from complex situations. Read each question carefully and answer the questions that follow.
In order to boost sales of toys at times other than the peak sale time — Christmas — manufacturers use many techniques. Character toys from movies or TV series are promoted, and all sets are ‘collectible’ by their young purchasers. Collections, however, never appear to be complete, because as soon as all the characters are acquired, the child then requires the ‘car’, the ‘phone’, the ‘mobile home’, and even the ‘airplane’ to ensure a happy environment for the toys. Ultimately, the elusive final piece of the series is attained just as the manufacturer and promoter release the next series of ‘collectibles’.
The prime aim of the manufacturer and promoter is to ensure that
  • a)
    all children should be happy and no child can be happy without a complete series of toys.
  • b)
    as soon as one set is complete or almost complete, then the next one arrives on the scene.
  • c)
    children should be encouraged to complete their collections of toys.
  • d)
    Christmas must be the peak selling period for toys.
  • e)
    sales need to be bolstered throughout the year.
Correct answer is option 'E'. Can you explain this answer?

Faizan Khan answered
Sentence (A) is a sublime idea, but it cannot be proven to be the intention of the manufacturer. Similarly, sentence (C) is true, but, again, it cannot be proven to be the prime motive of the manufacturer. Sentence (B) is a tactical move, not a motive or aim. Sentence (D) is untrue and so cannot be the prime aim of the manufacturer. Sentence (E) is the only statement that can be obtained from the paragraph and thus the appropriate answer.

Directions: In the following questions tests your ability to derive conclusions from complex situations. Read each question carefully and answer the questions that follow.
The function of a food technologist in a large marketing chain of food stores is to ensure that all foodstuffs which are offered for sale in the various retail outlets meet certain standard criteria for non perishability, freshness, and fitness for human consumption.
It is the technologist’s job to visit the premises of suppliers and food producers (factory or farm), inspect the facilities and report thereon. His responsibility also includes receiving new products from local and foreign suppliers and performing exhaustive quality control testing on them. Finally, he should carry out surprise spot checks on goods in the marketing chain’s own workhouses and stores.
What conclusion can best be drawn from the preceding paragraph?
  • a)
    A university degree in food technology is a necessary and sufficient condition for becoming a food technologist.
  • b)
    Imported products, as well as home-produced goods, must be rigorously tested.
  • c)
    The food technologist stands between the unhygienic producer and the unsuspecting consumer.
  • d)
    Home-produced foodstuffs are safer to eat than goods imported from abroad because they are subject to more regular and closer inspection procedures.
  • e)
    Random checking of the quality of goods stored on the shelves in a foodstore is the best way of ensuring that foodstuffs of an inferior quality are not purchased by the general public.
Correct answer is option 'C'. Can you explain this answer?

Faizan Khan answered
The paragraph demonstrates from beginning to end that the function of the food technologist is to prevent unfit foodstuffs from being marketed by the stores and passed on to the consumer, who relies on the store’s control procedures. (C), therefore, is the most appropriate answer. Answer alternative (A) is inappropriate because it cannot be inferred from the text (even if it were true). Answer (B), and possibly, answer (D) are factually correct, but these conclusions cannot be drawn from the text itself. (E) is not a correct interpretation of the facts; random checking is not the best way, since below-standard goods are caught in the net only by chance.

Directions: In this question below is given a passage followed by several inferences. You have to examine each inference separately in the context of the passage and decide upon its degree of truth or falsity.
In a fast-moving world, the attitude towards children has undergone a seachange from the draconian “spare the rod and spoil the child” to a growing awareness of the rights of the child. In our society, even fifty years back, the elders would have frowned at any mention of the rights of the child and would have dismissed it as an absurd proposition and a futile intellectual aberration. But times have changed and people have come to realise that if due attention and proper thought are not given to the children of today to ensure their healthy growth, we are bound to invite doom for our citizens of tomorrow. And who can deny that improvement in the condition of children is the primary concern of a nation?
The world has shown very little change in attitude in areas other than that of children’s rights.
  • a)
    if you think the inference is ‘definitely true’;
  • b)
    if you think the inference is ‘probably true’ though not definitely true in the light of the facts given;
  • c)
    if you think the ‘data are inadequate’, i.e., from the facts given you cannot say whether the inference is likely to be true or false;
  • d)
    if you think the inference is ‘probably false’ though not definitely false in the light of the facts given; and
  • e)
    if you think the inference is ‘definitely false’, i.e. it contradicts the given facts.
Correct answer is option 'D'. Can you explain this answer?

Dia Mehta answered
Probably false. The first line says that today we have a “fast-changing world”. The inference looks likely to be false in the context of a fast changing world. But there is no definite information in the passage about whether there is any change in attitude in any other area as well. Hence, we can’t say that it is definitely false.

(A) ABC Tutorials is the best coaching institute in the city as it gives the best study material. 
(B) Excessive Cash on Delivery (COD) orders have led to stagnancy in the growth of eCommerce companies.
(C) Overseas investors have pumped in `5,200 crores in capital markets in the first week of the month. 
(D) The dwindling of Foreign Institutional Investments (FIIs) will have a negative effect on investors’ sentiments.
  • a)
  • b)
  • c)
  • d)
Correct answer is option 'D'. Can you explain this answer?

Dia Mehta answered
J – A tutorial being the best cannot be independently verified as best is a subjective term. It may have different meanings for different people.
I – The first half is a fact, whereas the second half is an inference derived from the fact.
F – This is a verifiable fact.
I – The first half is a fact from which the second half of the statement is inferred.

(A) You either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become a villain. 
(B) There’s no place like home. 
(C) Hitler was a dictator. That is a given. What is not known is how Hitler’s policies have actually benefited not just Germany, but the world at large. 
(D) Honesty is the best policy.
  • a)
  • b)
  • c)
  • d)
Correct answer is option 'C'. Can you explain this answer?

Aryan Khanna answered
J – This is an individual opinion, and thus, a judgment.
J – This is an individual opinion, and thus, a judgment.
J – This might appear like an Inference. However, it should be seen that the second half does not automatically follow from the first half (Hitler was a dictator). The author has presumed that we know that Hitler was a dictator. However, what he has said in the second half is his individual opinion.
J – This is an individual opinion, and thus, a judgment.

Directions: In this question below is given a passage followed by several inferences. You have to examine each inference separately in the context of the passage and decide upon its degree of truth or falsity.
The complexion of the world economy has changed beyond recognition.
A few years ago, the Soviet Union and its friends used to accuse the World Bank, IMF and other international institutions as the promoters of economic imperialism of USA and its allies and in the same breath as the bloodsuckers of the poorer member-countries. GATT, for them, was a rich man’s club. In their views, transnational corporations were worse than the dreaded buccaneers.
These corporations worked exclusively for the benefit of parent countries and exploited the host countries thoroughly. Economic relations of communist countries remained chiefly confined within the four walls of communism. However, it crossed over to some third world countries as well.
GATT has stopped exploiting its host countries.
  • a)
    if you think the inference is ‘definitely true’;
  • b)
    if you think the inference is ‘probably true’ though not definitely true in the light of the facts given;
  • c)
    if you think the ‘data are inadequate’, i.e., from the facts given you cannot say whether the inference is likely to be true or false;
  • d)
    if you think the inference is ‘probably false’ though not definitely false in the light of the facts given; and
  • e)
    if you think the inference is ‘definitely false’, i.e. it contradicts the given facts.
Correct answer is option 'C'. Can you explain this answer?

Eshaan Kapoor answered
It is not mentioned clearly in the passage whether GATT indeed exploited its host countries, let alone stopping this exploitation.

Directions: In this question below is given a passage followed by several inferences. You have to examine each inference separately in the context of the passage and decide upon its degree of truth or falsity.
Then come the Tehri Dam evacuees. The Forest Department recently decided to acquire about 46 hectares of land in the Patri division of Haridwar district and rehabilitate these 33 families there. Besides, as compensation for uprooting them once more, the department is willing to distribute Rs 26 lakh among them. In addition, the department also plans to acquire 63 hectares from the Raiwallah cantonment, including the army ammunition dump. The lure of the army to move is the 220 hectares of land and the fact that the tab of building a new ammunition dump will be picked up. “These proposals are being pursued by us,” says M. Ahsan, chief conservator of Rajaji National Park.
Mr M Ahsan has introduced a set of forestry reforms in India.
  • a)
    if you think the inference is ‘definitely true’;
  • b)
    if you think the inference is ‘probably true’ though not definitely true in the light of the facts given;
  • c)
    if you think the ‘data are inadequate’, i.e., from the facts given you cannot say whether the inference is likely to be true or false;
  • d)
    if you think the inference is ‘probably false’ though not definitely false in the light of the facts given; and
  • e)
    if you think the inference is ‘definitely false’, i.e. it contradicts the given facts.
Correct answer is option 'C'. Can you explain this answer?

Aryan Khanna answered
The choices ‘data inadequate’ is applicable to all the questions except Q. 109 where probably false should be chosen. The reason is that neither supporting nor contradicting data is present in the case of these inferences [except Q. 109]. No hint is given in the passage, for example, whether Tehri Dam evacuees were compensated or not. How do we know whether the 33 families of Patri will shift easily or offer resistance? How do we know if Rs 26 lakh is adequate? How can we check if Mr Ahsan indeed introduced some forestry reforms? But we can say that the army is less likely to decline the proposal to shift its Raiwallah cantonment. It is because they are being offered 220 hectares of land (in place of existing 63) and they will not have to spend any amount on building a new ammunition dump. We cannot really assert whether the army will accept or reject this proposal. But, according to the given passage, it is a tempting offer because the author uses the word lure for it. This means that, in the eyes of the author, the offer is unlikely to be declined by the army. Hence, it is probably false that the army will not agree to shift Raiwallah cantonment.

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