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Study Material for UPSC Syllabus

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Why students choose EduRev for their UPSC Exam
4.6 (150K+ ratings)

What is UPSC CSE Exam? 

UPSC full form is Union Public Service Commission that conducts the Civil Services Examination (CSE) in India, which is also known as the IAS exam.  The CSE is a competitive examination for recruitment to the IAS, IFS, and IPS among other central government services. 

If you wish to gain an in-depth understanding of the UPSC Exam, it is highly encouraged that you read through this article titled "About UPSC Exam".

What is UPSC Exam Syllabus? 

The UPSC Civil Services Examination (CSE) has three stages: the preliminary examination, the main examination, and the interview process. 

1. Preliminary Examination: Contains two papers: 

  • Paper I: General Studies (GS) 
  • Paper II: Aptitude Test

2. UPSC Mains: The UPSC Civil Services Main Examination contains 9 papers.
3. The Interview Process: The interview process is meant to test the candidate's personality, intellect, and his/her ability to express himself/herself with clarity and composure.

Cover & Check in detail about UPSC prelims syllabus, UPSC CSAT syllabus, UPSC mains syllabus, UPSC exam pattern through this UPSC IAS Syllabus document. UPSC syllabus in hindi can be covered from here.

How to Prepare for UPSC Exam with EduRev App?

Students waste a large amount of time, effort, and money while preparing for UPSC just because of a lack of the right direction. Here is a list of things that EduRev App provides and that actually matter for your UPSC IAS preparation.
1. UPSC/ IAS NCERT Textbooks: Summaries, Videos & More
2. Subject-wise UPSC/IAS Notes, Videos, UPSC/IAS Topic-Wise Tests
3. UPSC/IAS Books Summaries & Tests: Nitin Singhania, Spectrum, Laxmikanth & More
4. UPSC/ IAS Daily Current Affairs & News Analysis 
5. UPSC Previous Year Question Papers, & PYQs 
6. UPSC/IAS Test Series: Mock Tests 
7. UPSC Mains Courses
8. UPSC InterviewsTips by ToppersTopper's Answer Sheets
9. How to Prepare for UPSC

Important Links for UPSC 

UPSC Study Material on EduRev

History for UPSC CSE

Indian Polity for UPSC CSE

Geography for UPSC CSE

Indian Economy for UPSC CSE

Science and Technology for UPSC CSE

Environment for UPSC CSE

Mock Tests for UPSC

How to Prepare for UPSC Exam

UPSC Bible: 15 Steps to Clear UPSC Exam

International Relations

Famous Books for UPSC Exam

Current Affairs & Hindu Analysis

Old and New NCERTs for IAS Preparation

Crash Course for UPSC Aspirants

UPSC Mains Essay Preparation

Atlas for UPSC Aspirants

NCERT Textbooks for UPSC Preparation 

UPSC Interview Preparation Material

UPSC Previous Year Question Papers and Video Analysis

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)  for UPSC CSE

Q.1. Where study material is best for UPSC?

  • EduRev Infinity Package for UPSC has the best UPSC/IAS Study material which includes everything that matters and will help you crack the UPSC Exam.
  • The UPSC courses are designed to provide you with a clear understanding and conceptual clarity of the entire syllabus. 
  • UPSC/IAS Topic wise Tests, IAS previous year papers, UPSC CSAT preparation material,  UPSC/IAS Practice quizzes, and many other things are included in EduRev Infinity Package for UPSC.

Q.2.  How can I prepare for UPSC at home?

Here are some steps you can take for UPSC Civil Services IAS preparation at home:

Q.3. Can I crack UPSC by self-study?

Yes, it is possible to crack UPSC through self-study, but it requires discipline, consistency, and dedication. It is important to understand the UPSC syllabus, exam pattern, and current events. Practice with mock tests and previous year question papers, read standard books and materials, and stay motivated. Self-study can be challenging, but it is achievable with the right approach.

Q.4. Is 1 year enough for UPSC IAS preparation?

It depends on an individual's level of preparedness, dedication, and study habits, but in general, 1 year is considered to be a tight schedule to prepare for the UPSC IAS exam. It requires extensive effort and time management to cover the vast syllabus in a short period of time. It is important to have a clear strategy and focus on your weaker areas, in addition to consistent and dedicated effort, to achieve success.

Q.5. From where to get UPSC/IAS Mains/Prelims Solved Papers?

You can get the previous year's UPSC/IAS Mains/Prelims Solved Papers at EduRev App. Step by Step solutions are provided to each and every question in order to make sure that you get a better understanding after going through them.

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