Controversy always involvesa)Dislikeb)Injusticec)Disagreementd)Passion...
Controversy is a dispute such as public debates AND debate occurs only when there are two opposing ideas or thinking. This opposing thoughts can also be caused disagreement. Therefore C is the right answer.
Controversy always involvesa)Dislikeb)Injusticec)Disagreementd)Passion...
Controversy always involves disagreement.
Disagreement is an essential element of controversy because it is the presence of opposing viewpoints or conflicting opinions that gives rise to controversy in the first place. Controversies emerge when people have different perspectives, beliefs, or values, and they express their disagreement with each other's ideas or actions. Without disagreement, there would be no controversy as there would be no conflicting opinions to discuss or debate.
Disagreement can arise in various contexts, such as politics, religion, social issues, or scientific debates. It can occur between individuals, groups, communities, or even nations. The intensity of disagreement may vary, ranging from mild differences of opinion to heated arguments and conflicts.
When people hold contrasting views, they often engage in discussions or debates to present their arguments, challenge the opposing viewpoint, and defend their own beliefs. These exchanges can be healthy and constructive, leading to a better understanding of different perspectives and the potential for finding common ground. However, disagreements can also become contentious and divisive, especially when emotions run high and individuals become unwilling to listen or consider alternative viewpoints.
Disagreement is a fundamental aspect of human nature and is necessary for progress and growth. It allows for the exploration of different ideas, the testing of assumptions, and the development of new knowledge. When people engage in respectful and open-minded discussions, they can challenge their own biases, expand their understanding, and potentially reach compromises or solutions that address the concerns of all parties involved.
However, it is important to note that disagreement alone does not necessarily imply controversy. Controversy arises when disagreement becomes public, attracts significant attention or controversy arises when disagreement becomes public, attracts significant attention, or has a significant impact on society. Controversies often involve more than just disagreement; they may also involve factors such as power dynamics, ethical considerations, or legal implications.
In conclusion, controversy always involves disagreement because it is the clash of opposing viewpoints or conflicting opinions that gives rise to controversy. Disagreement is a fundamental aspect of human nature and can lead to healthy discussions and growth when approached with respect and open-mindedness. However, it is important to manage disagreements effectively to prevent them from escalating into divisive and harmful conflicts.