Members of the constituent Assembly werea)Directly elected by the peop...
Members of the constituent Assembly were elected by the legislature of various provinces.
- The Constituent Assembly, formed in 1946, was responsible for drafting the Constitution of India.
- The members of the Constituent Assembly were not directly elected by the people.
- The process of electing the members of the Constituent Assembly was indirect.
- The members of the Constituent Assembly were elected by the members of the provincial assemblies.
- The members of the provincial assemblies were themselves elected by the people.
- Therefore, it can be said that the members of the Constituent Assembly were indirectly elected by the people through their elected representatives.
- The Constituent Assembly consisted of 389 members, of which 296 were elected and 93 were nominated by the rulers of the princely states.
- The Muslim League boycotted the Constituent Assembly and did not send any representatives.
- The Constituent Assembly held its first meeting on December 9, 1946, and continued its work for almost three years until the adoption of the Constitution on November 26, 1949.
Members of the constituent Assembly werea)Directly elected by the peop...
Members of constituent assembly were elected by the legislature of the various provinces