The Indian League was started bya) Surendra Nath Banerjeeb) Anand Moh...
Indian League was started by Shishir Kumar Ghosh, a prominent lawyer and social activist from Bengal. The Indian League was founded in 1875 under the guidance of Ghosh with the objective of promoting political, social, and economic rights for Indians and to counter the dominance of the British in India.
History of Indian League
The Indian League was established at a time when the Indian National Congress was not yet formed, and political consciousness among Indians was on the rise. The League was established in Calcutta and had its headquarters in the city. Ghosh was its first president, and other prominent members included Anand Mohan Bose and S.N. Banerjee.
Objectives of Indian League
The Indian League had various objectives, including:
1. To fight against the British rule in India and promote self-government.
2. To promote social and economic progress for Indians.
3. To promote unity among Indians and foster a sense of nationalism.
4. To encourage Indians to participate in the political process and fight for their rights.
Achievements of Indian League
The Indian League played a crucial role in promoting political consciousness among Indians and preparing the ground for the Indian National Congress. The League also organized various protests and campaigns against the British rule and played a key role in the Swadeshi Movement.
The League also worked towards promoting social and economic progress for Indians. It established schools, hospitals, and other institutions for the benefit of the Indian community.
The Indian League was a significant organization in the history of India's struggle for independence. It played a crucial role in promoting political, social, and economic rights for Indians and preparing the ground for the Indian National Congress. The League's contributions to India's struggle for independence continue to be remembered and celebrated to this day.
The Indian League was started bya) Surendra Nath Banerjeeb) Anand Moh...
The Indian League was started in 1875 by Kumar Ghosh to stimulate the sense of nationalism amongst the people and increase political education.