Why we called west Bengal but it's situated in Eastern part of inidia ...
A hotbed of the Indian Independence movement through the early 20th century, Bengal was partitioned along religious lines. The western part went to India (and was named West Bengal) while the eastern part joined Pakistan as a province called East Bengal (later renamed East Pakistan, giving rise to Bangladesh in 1971). Even today, Bengal is called West Bengal even though it is in the East.
Why we called west Bengal but it's situated in Eastern part of inidia ...
When India gained independence in 1947 , Bengal was partiotoned along religious lines. The western part went to India (and was named west Bengal) while the eastern part joined Pakistan as a province called east Bengal (later renamed east Pakistan, giving rise to independent Bangladesh in 1971).
The history of west Bengal began in 1947, when the Hindu-dominated western part of British Bengal province became the Indian state of west Bengal.