| Basics of MechanicsFREE Doc | 2 pages |  |
 | Basics of MechanicsFREE Video | 08:34 min |  |
 | GATE Past Year Questions: Force System ResultantsFREE Doc | 1 pages |  |
 | ForcesFREE Doc | 22 pages |  |
 | Force & MomentsFREE Video | 02:35 min |  |
 | Test: Addition Of A System Of Coplanar Forces Test | 14 ques | 15 min |  |
 | International System of Units Doc | 2 pages |  |
 | Fundamental ConceptsFREE Video | 14:46 min |  |
 | General Procedure for Analysis Doc | 2 pages |  |
 | Units of MeasurementFREE Video | 04:17 min |  |
 | Units of MeasurementFREE Doc | 4 pages |  |
 | Numericals: System of Forces Doc | 1 pages |  |
 | Fundamental Concepts Doc | 6 pages |  |
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 | Cross Product of VectorsFREE Video | 04:08 min |  |
 | Cross Product of Vectors Doc | 3 pages |  |
 | Test: Dot Product And Cross Product Test | 30 ques | 30 min |  |
 | Test: Moment of A Force Test | 25 ques | 20 min |  |
 | Test: Reduction Of A Simple Distributed Loading Test | 14 ques | 20 min |  |
 | Moment of a Force (Scalar Formulation) Doc | 1 pages |  |
 | Moment of a Force (Vector Formulation) Doc | 1 pages |  |
 | Principle of MomentsFREE Video | 04:46 min |  |
 | Principles of Moments: Forces, Points and Couples Doc | 5 pages |  |
 | Moment of a Force about a PointFREE Video | 10:40 min |  |
 | Moment of Force about a Specific Axis Doc | 5 pages |  |
 | Moment of a Couple Doc | 1 pages |  |
 | Moment of Force on a Rigid BodyFREE Video | 08:07 min |  |
 | Moment of Force on a Rigid Body Doc | 3 pages |  |
 | Force System Analysis: Resultants, Reduction and Distributed Loads Doc | 4 pages |  |
 | Resultants of a Force & Couple SystemFREE Video | 09:36 min |  |
 | Reduction of a Force & Couple System Doc | 1 pages |  |
 | Reduction of a Simple Distributed Loading Doc | 1 pages |  |
 | Test: Moment Of A Couple Test | 14 ques | 30 min |  |
 | Summary: Resultant of Force System Doc | 8 pages |  |
 | Summary: Rigid Body Doc | 6 pages |  |
 | Summary: Resultant & Equilibrium of Force System (Non-Coplanar) Doc | 2 pages |  |
 | Test; Moment Of A Force On A Specified Axis Test | 15 ques | 30 min |  |
 | Test: Simplification Of A Force And Couple System Test | 30 ques | 50 min |  |
 | Resultant of a General Distributed Force System Doc | 1 pages |  |
 | Test: Simplification of a Force and Couple System Test | 10 ques | 30 min |  |