At low temperature, the rate of water absorption decreases due toa)De...
Diffusion is the random movement of solute molecules in a solution from the higher to lower concentration zones until the equilibrium is set.
It is a process that takes place along the concentration gradient, which means, it is a downhill process and does not need cellular energy.
The rate of diffusion depends on several factors:
1. The density of the diffusing particles. It is called Graham's law of Diffusion. It explains that heavier particles tend to diffuse slower than that of lighter particles.
2. The density of diffusion medium. It is seen that diffusion is faster in the lighter medium as compared to the denser medium.
3. The rate of diffusion is proportional to the concentration of particles or Diffusion Pressure. When there is a larger difference, the rate is much faster.
4. The diffusion rate is also a function of Temperature. Since, with the increase of temperature, the KE increases of the diffusing particles, the rate also increases.
Thus, a slower rate of diffusion at the lower temperature is generally observed, which directly affects the absorption of water by the cells.