Prehistoric Period & Sources of Ancient History
Test: Prehistoric Period & Sources of Ancient History
15 Ques | 18 Mins
Indus Valley Civilisation
Test: Old NCERT (RS Sharma): Indus Valley CIvilization
15 Ques | 18 Mins
Test: Indus Valley Civilisation
30 Ques | 35 Mins
MCQ: Indus Valley Civilisation
30 Ques | 35 Mins
Test : Town Planning Architecture
10 Ques | 12 Mins
Vedic Period
Test: Old NCERT (RS Sharma) - Advent of Aryans & Rig Vedic Period
20 Ques | 24 Mins
Test: The Vedic Period
30 Ques | 35 Mins
Mahajanapada Period
Test: Emergence of Mahajanapadas
15 Ques | 20 Mins
Test: Territorial States & First Magadha Empire
15 Ques | 18 Mins
Religious Movements
Test: Buddhism & Jainism
20 Ques | 25 Mins
Test: Bhagavatism And Brahmanism - 1
20 Ques | 25 Mins
Test: Bhagavatism And Brahmanism - 2
20 Ques | 25 Mins
Test: Bhagavatism And Brahmanism - 3
30 Ques | 35 Mins
Test: Religious Movements- 1
30 Ques | 35 Mins
Test: Religious Movements - 2
30 Ques | 35 Mins
Test: Religious Movements - 3
30 Ques | 35 Mins
The Mauryan Empire
Old NCERT Test (RS Sharma): Significance of the Mauryan Empire
15 Ques | 18 Mins
Test: The Mauryan Empire - 1
30 Ques | 35 Mins
Test: The Mauryan Empire - 2
30 Ques | 35 Mins
Post-Maurya/ Pre-Gupta Period
Test: Age of Satavahanas
20 Ques | 25 Mins
Test: King Harshavardhana
20 Ques | 25 Mins
The Gupta Period
Test: Trade & Commerce In The Pre Gupta & Gupta Period
25 Ques | 30 Mins
Test: Old NCERT (RS Sharma) - Life in the Gupta Age
10 Ques | 10 Mins
Test: Trade And Commerce In The Pre Gupta And Gupta Period - 2
30 Ques | 35 Mins
Test: Trade And Commerce In The Pre Gupta And Gupta Period - 3
30 Ques | 35 Mins
Test: The Gupta Period - 2
20 Ques | 20 Mins
MCQ: Agrarian Structure In The Post Gupta Period - 1
20 Ques | 25 Mins
MCQ: Agrarian Structure In The Post Gupta Period - 2
20 Ques | 25 Mins
MCQ: Agrarian Structure In The Post Gupta Period - 3
20 Ques | 25 Mins
Post-Gupta Period/Vardhana Dynasty.
Test: Harshavardhan & The Southern Dynasties
20 Ques | 25 Mins
The Sangam Age
MCQ: The Sangam Age- 1
15 Ques | 18 Mins
MCQ: The Sangam Age- 2
20 Ques | 25 Mins
Territorial States & First Maghdha Empire
Test: Territorial States & First Magadha Empire
15 Ques | 18 Mins
Additional Topics of Ancient India
Test: India After Harsha - 1
10 Ques | 10 Mins
Test: India After Harsha - 2
20 Ques | 20 Mins
Practice Test: Ancient India- 1
30 Ques | 35 Mins
Practice Test: Ancient India- 2
30 Ques | 35 Mins
Practice Test: Ancient India- 3
30 Ques | 35 Mins
Practice Test: Ancient India- 4
30 Ques | 35 Mins
Constitution of India: History, Development & Salient Features
UPSC Previous Year Questions: Historical Development of the Constitution of India
15 Ques | 18 Mins
Preamble of the Constitution
Test: Preamble - 1
10 Ques | 10 Mins
Test: Preamble- 2
10 Ques | 10 Mins
Union and its Territory
Test: Union and its Territory - 1
10 Ques | 10 Mins
Test: Union and its Territory - 2
10 Ques | 10 Mins
Test: Citizenship - 1
10 Ques | 10 Mins
Fundamental Rights & Duties
Test: Fundamental Rights
20 Ques | 25 Mins
Test: Fundamental Duties
20 Ques | 25 Mins
Directive Principles of State Policy
Test: Directive Principles of State Policy
20 Ques | 25 Mins
Amendment of the Constitution
Test: Amendments in the Constitution -1
10 Ques | 10 Mins
Test: Amendments in the Constitution - 2
9 Ques | 10 Mins
Basic Structure of the Constitution
Test: Basic Structure of the Constitution
10 Ques | 10 Mins
Political And Social Conditions (800-1200 A.D)
Test: Political & Social Conditions (800-1200 A.D)- 1
30 Ques | 35 Mins
Test: Political & Social Conditions (800-1200 A.D)- 2
30 Ques | 35 Mins
Test: Political & Social Conditions (800-1200 A.D)- 3
30 Ques | 35 Mins
The Delhi Sultanate
Test: The Delhi Sultanate
30 Ques | 35 Mins
Test: Indo Islamic Culture - 1
30 Ques | 35 Mins
Test: Indo Islamic Culture - 2
30 Ques | 35 Mins
Test: Indo Islamic Culture - 3
30 Ques | 35 Mins
The Mughal Empire & Sher Shah Suri
Test: The Mughal Empire & Sher Shah Suri - 1
20 Ques | 24 Mins
Test: The Mughal Empire & Sher Shah Suri - 2
20 Ques | 24 Mins
South India And The Cholas (800-1200 A.D.)
Test: South India & The Cholas (800-1200 A.D)- 1
30 Ques | 35 Mins
Test: South India & The Cholas (800-1200 A.D)- 2
30 Ques | 35 Mins
Test: South India & The Cholas (800-1200 A.D)- 3
30 Ques | 35 Mins
Provincial Dynasties of North India & Deccan
Test: Provincial Dynasties of North India & Deccan- 1
20 Ques | 35 Mins
Test: Provincial Dynasties Of North India & Deccan- 2
30 Ques | 35 Mins
The Vijayanagar Empire
Test: The Vijayanagar Empire - 1
30 Ques | 35 Mins
Test: The Vijayanagar Empire - 2
30 Ques | 35 Mins
Test: The Vijayanagar Empire - 3
30 Ques | 35 Mins
The Religious Movements in The Fifteenth and Sixteenth Centuries: Bhakti & Sufi Movements
Test: The Religious Movements in the 15th and 16th Centuries- 1
25 Ques | 35 Mins
Test: The Religious Movements in the 15th and 16th Centuries- 2
30 Ques | 35 Mins
Test: The Religious Movements in the 15th and 16th Centuries- 3
30 Ques | 35 Mins
Shivaji and Maratha Nationalism
Test: The Maratha Kingdom & Confederacy - 1
30 Ques | 35 Mins
Test: The Maratha Kingdom & Confederacy - 2
30 Ques | 35 Mins
Test: The Maratha Kingdom & Confederacy - 3
30 Ques | 35 Mins
The Spread of Indian Culture in Other Asian Countries
Test: The Spread of Indian Culture in Other Asian Countries - 1
10 Ques | 12 Mins
Test: The Spread of Indian Culture in Other Asian Countries - 2
10 Ques | 12 Mins
Union Territories
Test: The Union & its Territories
20 Ques | 25 Mins
Scheduled and Tribal Areas
Test: Scheduled And Tribal Areas
10 Ques | 10 Mins
Union Executive (The President & Vice-President)
Test: Union Executive - 1
10 Ques | 10 Mins
Test: Union Executive - 2
10 Ques | 10 Mins
Prime Minister
Test: Prime Minister
10 Ques | 10 Mins
Central Council of Ministers
Test: Central Council of Ministers
10 Ques | 10 Mins
Cabinet Committees
Test: Cabinet Committees
10 Ques | 10 Mins
Test : Parliament 1
10 Ques | 10 Mins
Test : Parliament 2
10 Ques | 10 Mins
Test : Parliament 3
10 Ques | 10 Mins
Parliamentary Committees & Forums
Test: Parliamentary Committees
10 Ques | 12 Mins
Supreme Court
Test: The Supreme Court
20 Ques | 25 Mins
Judicial Review, Activism & PIL
Test: Judicial Review, Activism & PIL - 1
10 Ques | 10 Mins
Test: Judicial Review, Activism & PIL - 2
10 Ques | 10 Mins
Test: Judicial Review, Activism & PIL - 3
10 Ques | 10 Mins
Introduction to Modern India
Test: Sources of Modern Indian History
10 Ques | 25 Mins
The Advent of Europeans in India
Test: Beginning of European Commerce- 1
30 Ques | 35 Mins
Test: Beginning of European Commerce- 2
30 Ques | 35 Mins
Test: Beginning of European Commerce- 3
30 Ques | 35 Mins
Expansion of British Power
Test: Expansion & Consolidation Of British Power In India
15 Ques | 20 Mins
Test: The British Expansion in India
20 Ques | 25 Mins
The Economic Impact of British Rule in India
Test: The Economic Impact of British Rule in India- 1
30 Ques | 35 Mins
Test: The Economic Impact of British Rule in India- 2
30 Ques | 35 Mins
Test: The Economic Impact of British Rule in India- 3
30 Ques | 35 Mins
The East India Company And The Bengal Nawabs
Test: East India Company & Bengal Nawabs- 1
20 Ques | 12 Mins
Test: East India Company & Bengal Nawabs- 2
30 Ques | 35 Mins
The Decline Of Mughal Empire And The Rise Of Autonomous States
Test: The Decline of Mughal Empire & the Rise of Autonomous States - 1
30 Ques | 35 Mins
Test: The Decline of Mughal Empire & the Rise of Autonomous States - 2
30 Ques | 35 Mins
Test: The Decline of Mughal Empire & the Rise of Autonomous States - 3
30 Ques | 35 Mins
Rising Resentment Against Company Rule (The Revolt Of 1857)
Test: The Revolt of 1857- 1
30 Ques | 35 Mins
Test: The Revolt of 1857- 2
30 Ques | 35 Mins
Test: The Revolt of 1857- 3
30 Ques | 35 Mins
The Freedom Struggle
Test: The Swadeshi Movement & the Partition of Bengal
10 Ques | 10 Mins
Test: Indian National Congress
10 Ques | 10 Mins
Test: The Home Rule Movement
10 Ques | 10 Mins
Test: Nehru Report & Jinnah’s Fourteen Points
10 Ques | 10 Mins
Test: The Round Table Conferences
10 Ques | 10 Mins
Test: Subhash Chandra Bose & the Indian National Army
10 Ques | 10 Mins
Test: The Cabinet Mission Plan
10 Ques | 10 Mins
Social And Cultural Awakening, The Lower Caste, Trade Union And Peasants Movements
Test: Social & Cultural Awakening, Lower Caste, Trade Union & Peasants Movements - 2
30 Ques | 35 Mins
Test: Social & Cultural Awakening, Lower Caste, Trade Union & Peasants Movements - 1
30 Ques | 35 Mins
Test: Social & Cultural Awakening, Lower Caste, Trade Union & Peasants Movements - 3
30 Ques | 35 Mins
Reform Movements
Test: Reform Movements
30 Ques | 35 Mins
Modern Nationalism in India (1858 - 1905)
Spectrum Test: Beginning of Modern Nationalism in India
20 Ques | 25 Mins
Nationalist Movement (1905-1947)
Test: Nationalist Movement Phase 1(1905-1918)
15 Ques | 20 Mins
Test: Nationalist Movement Phase 1(1905-1918) - 2
20 Ques | 25 Mins
Test: Nationalist Movement Phase 2 (1919-1939) - 1
20 Ques | 25 Mins
Test: Nationalist Movement Phase 2 (1919-1939) - 2
30 Ques | 35 Mins
Test: Nationalist Movement Phase 2 (1919-1939) - 2
30 Ques | 35 Mins
Test: Nationalist Movement Phase 3 (1939-1947) - 1
20 Ques | 25 Mins
Test: Nationalist Movement Phase 3 (1939-1947) - 2
20 Ques | 25 Mins
Introduction to Earth & Universe
Test: Introduction To Earth & Universe (Previous Year Questions)
20 Ques | 20 Mins
Test: Introduction to Earth & Universe- 1
15 Ques | 15 Mins
Test: Introduction to Earth & Universe- 2
8 Ques | 15 Mins
Climatology (Part 1)
Test: Climatology - 1
20 Ques | 25 Mins
Test: Climatology - 2
30 Ques | 35 Mins
Test: The Earth's Layers
20 Ques | 25 Mins
Test: Domains of Earth
20 Ques | 25 Mins
Test: Latitudes & Longitudes
20 Ques | 25 Mins
Test: Longitudes & Time zones
20 Ques | 25 Mins
Test: Effect of the tilted axis on day & night
20 Ques | 25 Mins
Climatology (Part 2)
Test: Climatology - 3
20 Ques | 25 Mins
Test: Climatology - 4
30 Ques | 35 Mins
Geomorphology (Part 1)
Test: Geomorphology - 1
20 Ques | 25 Mins
Test: Geomorphology - 2
30 Ques | 35 Mins
Test: Internal Structure of the Earth
20 Ques | 25 Mins
Test: Various Landforms
20 Ques | 25 Mins
Geomorphology (Part 2)
Test: Geomorphology - 3
20 Ques | 25 Mins
Test: Geomorphology - 4
30 Ques | 35 Mins
Indian Subcontinent
Test: Multipurpose River Valley Projects
20 Ques | 25 Mins
Test: Famous Sites in India
20 Ques | 25 Mins
Test: Transport in India
20 Ques | 25 Mins
India: Facts and figures
Test: States & Their Capitals
20 Ques | 25 Mins
Test: Population of India & States
20 Ques | 25 Mins
Test: National Parks & Wildlife Sanctuaries In India
20 Ques | 25 Mins
Test: Irrigation Projects and Power Projects
20 Ques | 25 Mins
Test: Indian Satellites
20 Ques | 25 Mins
Test: Oceanography - 1
20 Ques | 30 Mins
Test: Oceanography - 2
30 Ques | 45 Mins
Test: Three Deepest Oceans
20 Ques | 25 Mins
World Geography
Test: World Geography: Continents
15 Ques | 18 Mins
Test: Riverside Cities
20 Ques | 25 Mins
Test: Wonders of the world
20 Ques | 25 Mins
Test: Countries & their main produces & industries
20 Ques | 25 Mins
Test: Towns associated with some important industries
20 Ques | 25 Mins
Test: Famous Sites - World
20 Ques | 25 Mins
Test: Changed names of Cities, States & Countries
20 Ques | 25 Mins
Test: Important boundary lines
20 Ques | 25 Mins
Test: Tribes & Their Homelands
20 Ques | 25 Mins
Important Dates
Test: Important Dates
10 Ques | 10 Mins
Test: Important Places
10 Ques | 10 Mins
Foreign Travellers/Envoys
Test: Foreign Travellers to India
10 Ques | 10 Mins
Test: Famous Slogans of India's Freedom Fighters
10 Ques | 10 Mins
Test: Important Reforms/Acts
10 Ques | 10 Mins
Local Government: Panchayati Raj & Municipality
Test: Panchayats
20 Ques | 25 Mins
Test: Municipalities
20 Ques | 25 Mins
Non-Constitutional Bodies
Test: National Institution for Transforming India (NITI Aayog)
10 Ques | 10 Mins
Test: National Human Rights Commission (NHRC)
10 Ques | 10 Mins
Test: Lokpal and Lokayuktas
12 Ques | 10 Mins
Test: State Human Rights Commission (SHRC)
10 Ques | 10 Mins
Test: Central Information Commission
10 Ques | 10 Mins
Test: State Information Commission
10 Ques | 10 Mins
Test: Central Vigilance Commission
10 Ques | 10 Mins
Test: Central Bureau of Investigation
10 Ques | 10 Mins
Test: National Investigation Agency
10 Ques | 10 Mins
Test: National Disaster Management Authority
10 Ques | 10 Mins
Inter- State Relations
Test: Inter- State Relations
20 Ques | 25 Mins
Inter-State Council
Test: Inter-State Council
20 Ques | 25 Mins
Administrative Reforms & Commission Reports
Test: Right to Information
10 Ques | 10 Mins
Test: Unlocking Human Capital
10 Ques | 10 Mins
Test: Ethics in Governance
10 Ques | 10 Mins
Test: Local Governance
10 Ques | 10 Mins
Test: Capacity Building for Conflict Resolution
10 Ques | 10 Mins
Test: Combating Terrorism
10 Ques | 10 Mins
Test: Promoting e-Governance
10 Ques | 10 Mins
Test: Citizen Centric Administration
10 Ques | 10 Mins
Test: Organisational Structure of Government of India
10 Ques | 10 Mins
Test: Strengthening Financial Management Systems
10 Ques | 10 Mins
Test: State and District Administration
10 Ques | 10 Mins
NITI Aayog
Test: NITI Aayog-1
10 Ques | 10 Mins
Test: NITI Aayog-2
10 Ques | 10 Mins
Glossary of Constitutional Terms
Test: Glossary of Constitutional Terms
20 Ques | 25 Mins
The Official Languages
Test: The Official Languages
20 Ques | 25 Mins
Delimitation Commission of India
Test: Delimitation Commission of India
20 Ques | 25 Mins
Test: Governor -1
10 Ques | 10 Mins
Test- Governor -2
10 Ques | 10 Mins
State Legislature
Test: State Legislature - 1
10 Ques | 10 Mins
Test: State Legislature- 2
10 Ques | 10 Mins
High Court
Test: The High Court
20 Ques | 25 Mins
Test: Tribunals- 1
10 Ques | 10 Mins
Test: Tribunals - 2
10 Ques | 10 Mins
Subordinate Courts
Test: Subordinate Courts- 1
10 Ques | 10 Mins
Test: Subordinate Courts- 2
10 Ques | 10 Mins
Special Provisions for Some States
Test: Special Provisions for Some States
10 Ques | 10 Mins
Economy and Economics
Test: Economy and Economics
20 Ques | 25 Mins
Agriculture and Land Management
Test: Agriculture & Land Development
20 Ques | 25 Mins
National Income
Test: National Income
10 Ques | 10 Mins
Economic Planning
Test: Economic Planning
20 Ques | 25 Mins
Test: Unemployment
10 Ques | 10 Mins
Trade & Commerce
Test: Trade & Commerce
20 Ques | 25 Mins
Economic Reforms
Test: Economic Reforms In India
20 Ques | 25 Mins
Banking of India
Banking Sector: Inflation & RBI- 1
10 Ques | 15 Mins
Banking Sector: Money & Banking- 1
20 Ques | 20 Mins
Banking Sector: Inflation & RBI- 2
20 Ques | 20 Mins
Banking Sector: Money & Banking- 2
20 Ques | 20 Mins
Test: Monetary Policy
15 Ques | 15 Mins
Industry and Infrastructure
Test: Industry
20 Ques | 25 Mins
Highlights of Indian Economy
Test: Exploring the Vibrant Landscape of the Indian Economy
20 Ques | 20 Mins
Foreign Trade
Test: Foreign Trade
20 Ques | 25 Mins
International Economic Organisations & India
IMF, World Bank
20 Ques | 20 Mins
Characteristics of Indian Economy
Test: Characteristics of Indian Economy
20 Ques | 25 Mins
Indian Fiscal System
Test: Fiscal Policy
15 Ques | 15 Mins
Glossary of Economic and Financial Terms
Test: Glossary of Economic and Financial Terms
20 Ques | 25 Mins
Test: Unit & Measurement
10 Ques | 25 Mins
Test: Motion
21 Ques | 25 Mins
Work, Energy and Power
Test: Work, Energy and Power
10 Ques | 15 Mins
Test: Gravitation
10 Ques | 15 Mins
Test: Pressure
20 Ques | 25 Mins
Test: Laws of Floatation
20 Ques | 25 Mins
Surface Tension
Test: Surface Tension
20 Ques | 25 Mins
OneTime: Test: viscosity
20 Ques | 25 Mins
Test: Elasticity
15 Ques | 20 Mins
Simple Harmonic Motion
Test: Simple Harmonic Motion
20 Ques | 25 Mins
Test: Types of Wave
20 Ques | 25 Mins
Sound Wave
Test: Sound Waves
10 Ques | 15 Mins
Test: Heat & Temperature
20 Ques | 25 Mins
Test: Light
20 Ques | 25 Mins
Static Electricity
Test: Static Electricity
20 Ques | 25 Mins
Test: Magnetism
20 Ques | 25 Mins
Atomic & Nuclear Physics
Test: Atomic & Nuclear Physics
20 Ques | 25 Mins
Test: Electron Emission
20 Ques | 25 Mins
Scientific Instruments
Test: Scientific Instruments
20 Ques | 25 Mins
Test: Inventions
20 Ques | 25 Mins
Important Discoveries Relating to Physics
Test: Important Discoveries Relating to Physics
20 Ques | 25 Mins
Various Units of Measurement-Weight
Test: Introduction to SI Units List
20 Ques | 25 Mins
Conversion of Units from one System to another System
Test: Conversion of Units from One System to Another System
20 Ques | 25 Mins
Election Commission
Test: Election Commission
10 Ques | 12 Mins
Union Public Service Commission & State PSC
Test: Union Public Service Commission - 1
10 Ques | 10 Mins
Test: Union Public Service Commission - 2
10 Ques | 10 Mins
Finance Commission
Test: Finance Commission
10 Ques | 10 Mins
Goods and Services Tax Council
Test: Goods and Service Tax Council
10 Ques | 10 Mins
National Commission for SCs, STs & BCs
Test: National Commission for SCs, STs & BCs
10 Ques | 10 Mins
Special Officer for Linguistic Minorities
Test: Special Officer for Linguistic Minorities
10 Ques | 10 Mins
Comptroller and Auditor General of India
Test: Comptroller and Auditor General of India
10 Ques | 10 Mins
Attorney General of India
Test: Attorney General of India
10 Ques | 10 Mins
Substance & Its Nature
Test: Substance & Its Nature
20 Ques | 25 Mins
Atomic Structure
Test: Atomic Structure
10 Ques | 15 Mins
Periodic Classification of Elements
Test: Periodic Classification of Elements
20 Ques | 25 Mins
Chemical Bonding
Test: Chemical Bonding
10 Ques | 15 Mins
Oxidation & Reduction
Test: Oxidation & Reduction
10 Ques | 15 Mins
Acids, Bases & Salts
Test: Acids, Bases & Salts
10 Ques | 15 Mins
Behaviour of Gases
Test: Behaviour of Gases
20 Ques | 25 Mins
Test: Electrolysis
20 Ques | 25 Mins
Carbon & its Compounds
Test: Carbon & its Compounds
20 Ques | 25 Mins
Important Facts About Some Metals
Test: Important Facts About Some Metals
20 Ques | 25 Mins
Important alloys & their uses
Test: Important alloys & their uses
20 Ques | 25 Mins
Test: Metals and Non Metals
20 Ques | 25 Mins
Man Made Substances
Test: Man Made Substances
20 Ques | 25 Mins
Introduction to Physiographic Regions
Physiographic Divisions of India
21 Ques | 24 Mins
Test: Physical Geography- 1
25 Ques | 30 Mins
Test: Physical Geography- 2
25 Ques | 30 Mins
Himalayas: Northern Mountains
Test: Himalayas: Northern Mountains
15 Ques | 20 Mins
Previous Year Questions (PYQs): Mountains
10 Ques | 15 Mins
Test: Mountains Peaks & Ranges
25 Ques | 35 Mins
Test: Himalayas
15 Ques | 15 Mins
Indo Gangetic Plains
Test: Indo-Gangetic Plain
10 Ques | 15 Mins
Peninsular Plateau
Test: Mountains & Plateaus
15 Ques | 20 Mins
Indian Coastal Plains and the Islands
Test: Indian Coastal Plains & Islands
10 Ques | 15 Mins
Test: Life In the Desert
10 Ques | 15 Mins
Important Questions: Life In The Desert
20 Ques | 20 Mins
Test: Indian Deserts
10 Ques | 15 Mins
Test: Indian Climate
10 Ques | 12 Mins