Introduction to Physiographic Regions
Physical Geography of India - 1
6 pages
Physical Geography of India - 2
3 pages
NCERT Summary: India Location - 1
17 pages
NCERT Summary: India - Location- 2
12 pages
Mind Map: Mountains
1 page
Mind Map: Branches of Geography
1 page
Flashcards: Introduction to Physiographic Regions- 1
Flashcards: Introduction to Physiographic Regions- 2
Mind Map: India (Size & Location)
1 page
Indian Geography: Size & Location- 1
3 pages
PPT: Indian Geography
9 pages
Indian Geography: Size & Location- 2
12 pages
Indian Geographical Extent & Frontiers
12 pages
Himalayas: Northern Mountains
Mind Map: The Himalayas- 1
1 page
GS1 Previous Year Questions Mains: Himalayas
6 pages
Mind Map: The Himalayas- 2
1 page
Flashcards: Himalayas: Northern Mountains
NCERT Summary: The Himalayas
7 pages
Himalayas: Physiographic divisions of India
7 pages
Mind Map: Trans Himalayas
1 page
Indo Gangetic Plains
Formation & Division of Plains
6 pages
Indo Gangetic Brahmaputra Plain
5 pages
Mind Map: Great Northern Plains
1 page
Flashcards: Indo Gangetic Plains
Regional Division of Plains
4 pages
PPT: Indo-Gangetic Plains
27 pages
NCERT Summary: Indo Gangetic Plains
10 pages
Peninsular Plateau
Mind Map: Peninsular Plateau
1 page
Flashcards: Peninsular Plateau
NCERT Summary: Peninsular Plateau
13 pages
PPT: Peninsular India- 1
18 pages
The Peninsular Plateau, Coastal Plain & Islands
12 pages
PPT: Peninsular India- 2
10 pages
Mind Map: Great Indian Plateau
1 page
Mind Map: Deccan Plateau
1 page
Mind Map: Central Highlands
1 page
PPT: Passes of Peninsula
4 pages
Mind Map: Purvanchal
1 page
Indian Coastal Plains and the Islands
Coastal Plains of India
7 pages
PPT: Coastal Plains- 1
10 pages
NCERT Summary: Indian Coastal Plains
2 pages
Flashcards: Indian Coastal Plains and the Islands
Mind Map: East Coastal Plains
1 page
GS1 PYQ (Mains Answer Writing): Indian Coastal Plains and Mangroves
2 pages
PPT: Coastal Plains- 2
9 pages
PPT: Coastal Islands
12 pages
Mind Map: West Coastal Plains
1 page
Deserts: Indian Geography
6 pages
Hot and Cold Deserts
10 pages
NCERT Summary: Deserts
3 pages
Indian Climate & Factors Affecting the Climate
8 pages
NCERT Summary: Climate - 1
13 pages
NCERT Summary: Climate - 2
13 pages
Indian Climate- 1
15 pages
Indian Climate- 2
14 pages
GS1 PYQ (Mains Answer Writing): Climate
5 pages
Indian Climate- 3
9 pages
Indian Monsoon
Monsoons: Indian Geography
15 pages
Monsoon Role of Tibet
1 page
Mindmap: Indian Monsoon
1 page
NCERT Summary: Climate - 1
13 pages
NCERT Summary: Climate - 2
13 pages
GS1 PYQ (Mains Answer Writing): Flooding in Mega Cities
5 pages
PPT: Monsoon Classical Theory
36 pages
PPT: Salient Features of Monsoon
15 pages
PPT: Monsoon Jet Stream
22 pages
PPT: Role of Jet Stream
8 pages
Drainage Systems
NCERT Summary: Drainage System - 1
11 pages
PPT: Drainage System
22 pages
NCERT Summary: Drainage System - 2
7 pages
Flashcards: Drainage Systems
GS1 PYQ (Mains Answer Writing): Interlinking of Rivers
4 pages
Mindmap: Drainage System
1 page
PPT: Drainage System- Ganga
15 pages
PPT: Drainage System- Brahmaputra
11 pages
PPT: Drainage System- Peninsular Rivers
40 pages
PPT: Drainage System- West Flowing Rivers
8 pages
NCERT Summary: Soils- 1
11 pages
Soil: Composition, Characteristics & Types of Soils
20 pages
NCERT Summary: Soils - 2
9 pages
GS1 PYQ (Mains Answer Writing): Agro Based Food Processing
2 pages
NCERT Summary: Mineral & Energy Resources- 1
12 pages
NCERT Summary: Mineral & Energy Resources - 2
13 pages
Water Resources and Irrigation - 1
19 pages
NCERT Summary: Resources & Development
6 pages
Energy Resources- 1
7 pages
Water Resources And Irrigation- 2
14 pages
Mindmap: Resources
1 page
Radioactive Minerals and Soils
2 pages
GS1 PYQ (Mains Answer Writing): Climate
5 pages
Irrigation Projects and Power Projects
4 pages
Multipurpose Projects
6 pages
Water Resources And Irrigation- 3
8 pages
Major Irrigation and Power Projects
13 pages
Energy Resources- 2
17 pages
Vegetation & Wildlife
NCERT Summary: Forest & Wildlife Resources
3 pages
Forest Policy of India
8 pages
Mindmap: Vegetation & Wildlife
1 page
Flashcards: Vegetation & Wildlife
Vegetation - Geography
15 pages
GS1 PYQ (Mains Answer Writing): Forest Resources in India
5 pages
NCERT Summary: Natural Vegetation - 1
10 pages
NCERT Summary: Natural Vegetation - 2
6 pages
Natural Hazards & Disasters
GS2 PYQ (Mains Answer Writing): Environmental Impact of Urban Land Use
1 page
NCERT Summary: Natural Hazards and Disasters
14 pages
Flashcards: Natural Hazards & Disasters
Natural Hazards and Disasters- 1
8 pages
Natural Hazards and Disasters- 2
2 pages
Environmental Awareness In India
6 pages
NCERT Summary: Environmental Issues
10 pages
Flashcards: Environment
GS1 PYQ (Mains Answer Writing): Coral Reefs and Global Warming
2 pages
NCERT Summary: Land use & Agriculture - 1
13 pages
NCERT Summary: Land use & Agriculture- 2
14 pages
Mindmap: Agriculture
1 page
Food Crops - Geography
8 pages
Forest Policy of India
8 pages
GS1 PYQ (Mains Answer Writing): Indian Coastal Plains and Mangroves
2 pages
Horticultural Crops - Geography
5 pages
Cash Crops - Geography
10 pages
Introduction to Earth & Universe
PPT: Interior of Earth
22 pages
NCERT Summary: Our Solar System - 1
9 pages
GC Leong Summary: The Earth & The Universe
8 pages
Physical Geography
10 pages
NCERT Summary: Our Solar System - 2
10 pages
Interior of Earth
20 pages
GC Leong Summary: The Earth's Crust
6 pages
PPT: Rotation of Earth
8 pages
Flashcards: Introduction to Earth & Universe
NCERT Summary: Latitudes & Longitudes
4 pages
NCERT Summary: The Earth in the Solar System
4 pages
Mind Map: Rotation & Revolution of Earth
1 page
Our Solar System - 1
10 pages
Our Solar System - 2
11 pages
Mind Map: Inside our Earth
1 page
Domains of the Earth
4 pages
NCERT Summary: Motions of the Earth
3 pages
Mind Map: Origin of Earth & its Interiors
1 page
Mind Map: Equator, International Date & Time Line
1 page
Rotation and Revolution
7 pages
Geomorphology (Part 1)
PPT: Types of Rocks & Sea Floor Spreading Theory
27 pages
Sea Floor Spreading
5 pages
Mind Map: Seismic Waves
1 page
Types of Geomorphic Process
1 page
Endogenetic Forces
4 pages
Exogenetic Forces
9 pages
Continental Drift Theory
4 pages
PPT: Continental Drift Theory
14 pages
PPT: Plate Tectonics
26 pages
Plate Tectonics Theory
5 pages
Mind Map: Plate Tectonic
1 page
GS1 (Mains Answer Writing): Gondwanaland and Plate Tectonics
1 page
Geomorphology (Part 2)
Mind Map: Volcanism
1 page
Type of Earthquake Waves
6 pages
GC Leong Summary: Vulcanism & Earthquakes
2 pages
Mind Map: Earthquake
1 page
NCERT Summary: Land Forms- 1
12 pages
Flashcards: Geomorphology
NCERT Summary: Land Forms - 2
9 pages
Types of Landforms
13 pages
GC Leong Summary: Limestone & Chalk Landform
2 pages
GC Leong Summary: Landforms of Glaciation
7 pages
GC Leong: Summary of Arid or Desert Landforms
9 pages
Aeolian Landforms
4 pages
GC Leong Summary: Weathering, Mass Movement & Ground Water
6 pages
Mind Map: Weathering
1 page
GS1 PYQ (Mains Answer Writing): Geomorphology
2 pages
PPT: Ocean Relief
23 pages
Ocean Current and types of Currents
9 pages
PPT: Ocean Temperature & Salinity
14 pages
NCERT Summary: Water(Oceans)
7 pages
NCERT Summary: Movements of Ocean Water
6 pages
GC Leong Summary: The Oceans
11 pages
Flashcards: Oceanography
GC Leong: Summary of Island and Coral Reefs
5 pages
GC Leong: Summary of Lakes and Its Formation
4 pages
GC Leong: Summary of Landforms Made By Running Water
8 pages
GS1 PYQ (Mains Answer Writing): Oceanography
3 pages
Mindmap: Oceanography
1 page
Ocean Relief Features
9 pages
PPT: Latitude & Longitude
16 pages
NCERT Summary: Climate - 1
13 pages
NCERT Summary: Climate - 2
13 pages
Earth's Atmosphere: Composition & Structure
9 pages
Atmosphere & The Himalayas
22 pages
NCERT Summary: Composition & Structure of Atmosphere
7 pages
Insolation & Heat budget of the Earth
8 pages
Temperature Belts
12 pages
PPT: Pressure Belts
9 pages
Pressure Belts of the Earth
9 pages
NCERT Summary: Air
2 pages
Winds & Wind Types
7 pages
PPT: Periodic & Local Winds
18 pages
PPT: Permanent Winds
5 pages
PPT: Precipitation
18 pages
PPT: Thunderstorm
9 pages
El Nino, La Nina , ENSO
8 pages
PPT: El Nino & La Nina- 1
9 pages
PPT: El Nino & La Nina- 2
5 pages
GC Leong Summary: Weather
5 pages
GC Leong Summary: Climate
13 pages
GS1 PYQ (Mains Answer Writing): Desertification Process and Climate Boundaries
2 pages
Biogeography: World Environment
Ecology - Geography
9 pages
Coniferous Forests and Tundra Region
10 pages
Climatic Regions of The World
4 pages
GC Leong Summary: The Hot, Wet Equatorial Climate
6 pages
GC Leong: Summary of The Tropical Monsoon & Tropical Marine Climate
5 pages
GC Leong Summary: The Savanna or Sudan Climate
4 pages
The Savanna and Hot Desert Region
8 pages
Mindmap: The Savanna and Hot Desert Region
1 page
GC Leong Summary: The Hot Desert and Mid- Latitude Desert Climate
4 pages
Mediterranean - Type Region and Temperate Grassland
6 pages
GC Leong Summary: The Warm Temperate Western Margin Climate or Mediterranean Climate
8 pages
GC Leong Summary: The Temperate Continental or Steppe Climate
4 pages
GC Leong Summary: The Cool Temperate Eastern Margin or Laurentian Type Climate
4 pages
GC Leong Summary: The Cool Temperate Continental or the Siberian Type Climate
5 pages
GC Leong Summary: The Arctic or Polar Climate
2 pages
NCERT Summary
NCERT Summary: India Location - 1
17 pages
NCERT Summary: India - Location- 2
12 pages
NCERT Summary: Drainage System - 1
11 pages
NCERT Summary: Drainage System - 2
7 pages
NCERT Summary: Climate - 1
13 pages
NCERT Summary: Climate - 2
13 pages
NCERT Summary: Natural Vegetation - 1
10 pages
NCERT Summary: Natural Vegetation - 2
6 pages
NCERT Summary: Soils- 1
11 pages
NCERT Summary: Soils - 2
9 pages
NCERT Summary: Sugar Industry
16 pages
NCERT Summary: Our Solar System - 1
9 pages
NCERT Summary: Our Solar System - 2
10 pages
NCERT Summary: Land Forms- 1
12 pages
NCERT Summary: Land Forms - 2
9 pages
NCERT Summary: Land use & Agriculture - 1
13 pages
NCERT Summary: Land use & Agriculture- 2
14 pages
NCERT Summary: Mineral & Energy Resources- 1
12 pages
NCERT Summary: Mineral & Energy Resources - 2
13 pages
NCERT Summary: Transport & Communication - 1
6 pages
NCERT Summary: Transport & Communication - 2
9 pages
NCERT Summary: Composition & Structure of Atmosphere
7 pages
Class 6 Geography
NCERT Textbook: The Earth in the Solar System
9 pages
NCERT Textbook: Globe: Latitudes & Longitudes
8 pages
NCERT Summary: The Earth in the Solar System
4 pages
NCERT Textbook: Motions of the Earth
5 pages
NCERT Textbook: Major Landforms of the Earth
8 pages
NCERT Summary: Latitudes & Longitudes
4 pages
NCERT Textbook: Maps
7 pages
NCERT Textbook: Major Domains of the Earth
9 pages
NCERT Summary: Motions of the Earth
3 pages
NCERT Textbook: Our Country-India
9 pages
NCERT Textbook: Locating Places on the Earth
20 pages
NCERT Textbook: Oceans and Continents
14 pages
NCERT Textbook: Landforms and Life
18 pages
Class 7 Geography
NCERT Textbook: Inside our Earth
5 pages
NCERT Summary: Inside our Earth
1 page
NCERT Textbook: Environment
6 pages
NCERT Textbook: Our Changing Earth
8 pages
NCERT Textbook: Air
10 pages
NCERT Summary: Air
2 pages
NCERT Textbook: Water
9 pages
NCERT Summary: Water
2 pages
NCERT Textbook: Life in the Deserts
8 pages
NCERT Textbook: Human Environment Interactions The Tropical and the Subtropical Region
10 pages
NCERT Textbook: Life in the Temperate Grasslands
6 pages
NCERT Textbook: Human Environment- Settlement, Transport & Communication
8 pages
NCERT Textbook: Natural Vegetation & Wildlife
8 pages
Class 8 Geography
NCERT Summary: Land, Soil, Water, Natural Vegetation and Wildlife
5 pages
NCERT Textbook: Land, Soil, Water, Natural Vegetation & Wildlife Resources
15 pages
NCERT Summary: Resources
2 pages
NCERT Textbook: Resources
6 pages
NCERT Summary: Agriculture
4 pages
NCERT Textbook: Agriculture
10 pages
NCERT Textbook: Mineral & Power Resources
16 pages
NCERT Textbook: Industries
12 pages
NCERT Textbook: Human Resources
11 pages
Class 9 Geography
NCERT Textbook: India - Size And Location
6 pages
NCERT Summary: India - Size and Location
2 pages
NCERT Textbook: Physical Features of India
10 pages
NCERT Textbook: Drainage
9 pages
NCERT Textbook: Climate
13 pages
NCERT Textbook: Natural Vegetation and Wildlife
9 pages
NCERT Textbook: Population
11 pages
Class 10 Geography
NCERT Textbook: Resources & Development
12 pages
NCERT Summary: Resources & Development
6 pages
NCERT Textbook: Forest & Wildlife Resources
6 pages
NCERT Summary: Forest & Wildlife Resources
3 pages
NCERT Textbook: Water Resources
11 pages
NCERT Textbook: Agriculture
12 pages
NCERT Textbook: Minerals & Energy Resources
16 pages
NCERT Textbook: Manufacturing Industries
13 pages
NCERT Textbook: Lifelines of National Economy
13 pages
Human Geography
Human Geography: Introduction
3 pages
Human Geography: Migration
6 pages
Mindmap: Human Geography
1 page
Human Geography: Human Settlements
16 pages
Human Geography Nature and Scope
1 page
Human Geography: Population
18 pages
Mineral & Energy Resources
Nuclear Fission and Types of Reactors
14 pages
Iron Ore distribution across the world
5 pages
NCERT Summary: Mineral & Energy Resources- 1
12 pages
Water Resources and Irrigation - 1
19 pages
Energy Resources- 1
7 pages
Water Resources And Irrigation- 2
14 pages
World Distribution of Petroleum
3 pages
Major Irrigation and Power Projects
13 pages
Water Resources And Irrigation- 3
8 pages
Water Resources-1
4 pages
Energy Resources- 2
17 pages
NCERT Summary: Mineral & Energy Resources - 2
13 pages
Coal Distribution across the world
1 page
Activities & Sectors of Economy
NCERT Summary: Land use & Agriculture - 1
13 pages
NCERT Summary: Land use & Agriculture- 2
14 pages
Food Crops - Geography
8 pages
Sectors of the Economy
4 pages
Horticultural Crops - Geography
5 pages
Cash Crops - Geography
10 pages
Mindmap: Activities & Sectors of Economy
1 page
World Population, Distribution and Growth
17 pages
Human Races, Others Products and Tribal Groups in India
11 pages
International Trade
Meaning and Reasons
4 pages
International Trade - 1
6 pages
International Trade - 2
6 pages
Transportation & Communication
NCERT Summary: Transport & Communication - 1
6 pages
Road and Road Transport, Ports , Railways and Civil Aviation
15 pages
NCERT Summary: Transport & Communication - 2
9 pages
Introduction of Transportation
3 pages
Introduction of Communication
1 page
Mindmap: Industries
1 page
NCERT Summary: Sugar Industry
16 pages
Animal Husbandry- 1
18 pages
Manufacturing Industries
5 pages
Animal Husbandry- 2
5 pages
Housing and Animal Husbandry
10 pages
Sustainable Development
Sustainable Development
9 pages
Mindmap: Sustainable Development
1 page
Agriculture & Horticulture
9 pages
Plantation Crops
12 pages
NCERT Summary: Land use & Agriculture - 1
13 pages
NCERT Summary: Land use & Agriculture- 2
14 pages
World Geography
Geography of North America
8 pages
PPT: World Geography (North America)
9 pages
Points to remember: North America
2 pages
Geography of South America
8 pages
Point to remember: South America
2 pages
Geography of Europe
9 pages
Points to remember: Europe
1 page
Points to Remember: Africa
1 page
Geography of Africa
12 pages
Geography of Asia
12 pages
Australia and Oceania
9 pages
Geography of Antarctica
4 pages
Major Seas of the world
5 pages
Grasslands of the World
1 page
Important Lakes of India and World
5 pages
Major Rivers of the world
4 pages
Major Straits of the world
4 pages
Major Gulfs of the world
8 pages
Major Mountains of the world
5 pages
UPSC Previous Year Questions (Prelims): World Geography - 1
13 pages
UPSC Previous Year Questions (Prelims): World Geography - 2
13 pages
The Earth and The Universe
GC Leong Summary: The Earth & The Universe
8 pages
The Earth’s Crust
GC Leong Summary: The Earth's Crust
6 pages
Vulcanism and Earth Quakes
GC Leong Summary: Vulcanism & Earthquakes
2 pages
Weathering, Mass Movement and Ground Water
GC Leong Summary: Weathering, Mass Movement & Ground Water
6 pages
Landforms made by running water
GC Leong: Summary of Landforms Made By Running Water
8 pages
Landforms of Glaciation
GC Leong Summary: Landforms of Glaciation
7 pages
Arid or Desert Landforms
GC Leong: Summary of Arid or Desert Landforms
9 pages
Limestone and Chalk Landform
GC Leong Summary: Limestone & Chalk Landform
2 pages
GC Leong: Summary of Lakes and Its Formation
4 pages
Coastal Landforms
GC Leong: Summary of Coastal Landforms
6 pages
Island and Coral Reefs
GC Leong: Summary of Island and Coral Reefs
5 pages
The Oceans
GC Leong Summary: The Oceans
11 pages
GC Leong Summary: Weather
5 pages
GC Leong Summary: Climate
13 pages
The Hot, Wet Equatorial Climate
GC Leong Summary: The Hot, Wet Equatorial Climate
6 pages
The Tropical Monsoon and The Tropical Marine Climate
GC Leong Summary: The Tropical Monsoon and The Tropical Marine Climate
5 pages
The Savanna or Sudan Climate
GC Leong Summary: The Savanna or Sudan Climate
4 pages
The Hot Desert and Mid- Latitude Desert Climate
GC Leong Summary: The Hot Desert and Mid- Latitude Desert Climate
4 pages
The Warm Temperate Western Margin Climate or Mediterranean Climate
GC Leong Summary: The Warm Temperate Western Margin Climate or Mediterranean Climate
8 pages
The Temperate Continental or Steppe Climate
GC Leong Summary: The Temperate Continental or Steppe Climate
4 pages
The Warm Temperate Eastern Margin Climate or China Type Climate
GC Leong Summary: The Warm Temperate Eastern Margin Climate or China Type Climate
6 pages
The Cool Temperate Western Marine Climate or British Type Climate
GC Leong Summary: The Cool Temperate Western Marine Climate or British Type Climate
5 pages
The Cool Temperate Continental or the Siberian Type Climate
GC Leong Summary: The Cool Temperate Continental or the Siberian Type Climate
5 pages
The Cool Temperate Eastern Margin or Laurentian Type Climate
GC Leong Summary: The Cool Temperate Eastern Margin or Laurentian Type Climate
4 pages
The Arctic or Polar Climate
GC Leong Summary: The Arctic or Polar Climate
2 pages
Fundamentals of Physical Geography
NCERT Textbook - Geography as a Discipline
11 pages
NCERT Textbook - The Origin and Evolution of the Earth
6 pages
NCERT Textbook - Interior of the Earth
9 pages
NCERT Textbook - Distribution of Oceans and Continents
9 pages
NCERT Textbook - Geomorphic Processes
11 pages
NCERT Textbook - Landforms and their Evolution
16 pages
NCERT Textbook - Composition and Structure of Atmosphere
4 pages
NCERT Textbook - Solar Radiation, Heat Balance and Temperature
9 pages
NCERT Textbook - Atmospheric Circulation and Weather Systems,
10 pages
NCERT Textbook - Water in the Atmosphere
5 pages
NCERT Textbook - World Climate and Climate Change
8 pages
NCERT Textbook - Water (Oceans)
9 pages
NCERT Textbook - Movements of Ocean Water
6 pages
NCERT Textbook - Biodiversity and Conservation
7 pages
NCERT Textbook: Life on the Earth
9 pages
NCERT Textbook: Minerals & Rocks
6 pages
India - Physical Environment
NCERT Textbook: India - Location
6 pages
NCERT Textbook - Structure and Physiology
10 pages
NCERT Textbook - Drainage System
10 pages
NCERT Textbook - Climate
15 pages
NCERT Textbook - Natural Vegetation
10 pages
NCERT Textbook - Natural Hazards and Disasters
21 pages
NCERT Textbook - Soils
8 pages
ATLAS: Map based learning
How To Study Maps for UPSC CSE
7 pages
Step by Step Guide for UPSC Mapping
5 pages
India - Political
4 pages
North India - Political
7 pages
Uttar Pradesh, Bihar and Jharkhand- Physical
14 pages
Ladakh, Jammu and Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh, Punjab , Haryana and Uttarakhand - Physical
18 pages
Karnataka, Tamil Nadu and Kerala - Physical
13 pages
Andaman and Nicobar Islands
4 pages
Fundamentals Of Human Geography
NCERT Textbook: Human Geography- Nature & Scope
6 pages
NCERT Textbook :The World Population
6 pages
NCERT Textbook - Human Development
9 pages
NCERT Textbook - Primary Activities
14 pages
NCERT Textbook - Secondary Activities
9 pages
NCERT Textbook: Tertiary & Quaternary Activities
9 pages
NCERT Textbook: Transport & Communication
16 pages
NCERT Textbook: Human Settlements
12 pages
NCERT Textbook: Population Composition
5 pages
India - People and Economy
NCERT Textbook - Population : Distribution, Density, Growth and Composition
14 pages
NCERT Textbook: Human Settlements
6 pages
NCERT Textbook - Land Resources and Agriculture
20 pages
NCERT Textbook - Water Resources
12 pages
NCERT Textbook - Mineral and Energy Resources
13 pages
NCERT Textbook - Planning and Sustainable Development in Indian Context
9 pages
NCERT Textbook: Transport & Communication
16 pages
NCERT Textbook - Transport and Communication, Class 12, Geography
11 pages
NCERT Textbook - International Trade
9 pages
NCERT Textbook - Geographical Perspective on Selected Issues and Problems
11 pages
NCERT Textbook - Migration : Types, Causes and Consequences
8 pages
NCERT Textbook: Human Development
9 pages
NCERT Textbook - Manufacturing Industries
19 pages